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 Sesli Dinleme 1
Current Research in Dental Sciences

Son yıllarda, implant tedavisi memnun edici fonksiyon ve estetik sonuçları sebebiyle tam veya kısmi dişsiz ark rehabilitasyonu için en çok tercih edilen tedavi seçeneği haline gelmiştir. İmplant uygulamalarının başarılı bir tedavi seçeneği olarak bilinmesine rağmen uygun yükleme, geometri ve lokasyon seçilmemesi durumunda başarısız da olabilirler. İmplant başarısızlığından kaçınmak için, fonksiyondaki olası stres seviyelerini değerlendirmek ve dental implant planlamasında ideal implant konumunu seçmek gerekmektedir. İmplantların biyomekanik performansını test etmek veya kanıtlamak, implantın stabilitesinin veya osseoentegrasyonunun oral koşullarda değerlendirilmesindeki zorluklar nedeniyle çok güçtür. Bu nedenle oral biyomekanik koşulların değerlendirilmesi için in-vitro çalışmalar gerekli olmuştur.             Sonlu elemanlar analizi diş materyalleri, dişler ve implantların mekanik davranışlarını değerlendirmenin bir yolu olarak kullanımı son on yılda katlanarak artan ve biyomekanik bilim alanlarında kullanılabilen bir analiz tekniğidir. Sonlu elemanlar analizi, biyomekanik problemleri küçük parçalara bölerek çözen ve bilgisayar destekli tasarım modellerinde stres ve gerilmeleri hesaplayan cebir tabanlı bir simülasyon tekniğidir. Oral rehabilitasyondan önce faydalı biyomekanik bulgular sunmaktadır ve implant dişhekimliğindeki önemli bir analiz tekniğidir.             Bu derleme, sonlu elemanlar analiz yöntemi hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi vermektedir ve araştırmacılara bilgi sağlamak amacıyla implant dişhekimliğinde kullanılabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi, Stres Analizi, Kuvvet, İmplantTHE USE OF FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS IN IMPLANT DENTISTRY ABSTRACT In recent years, implant therapy has become the most preferred treatment choice for completely or partially edentulous arch rehabilitation due to its satisfactory functional and aesthetic results. Although implant therapy is known as a successful treatment procedure, it also known that failure is possible if appropriate loading, geometry or location is not selected for implant carefully. To aviod implant failure, it is necessarry to assess possible stress levels under function and to select the ideal implant configurations during dental implant planning. It is so difficult to prove or test the biomechanical performance of implants due to difficulties in assessing the stability or osseointegration of the implant in intraoral conditions. Therefore in-vitro studies became necessary for assessing intraoral biomechanical conditions.  Finite element analysis is an analyse technique that can be used in biomechanical fields of science and have grown exponentially in the last decade as a way to assess the mechanical behavior of dental materials, teeth and implants. Finite element analysis is algebra based simulation technique that solves the biomechanical problems by dividing them into small pieces and calculates stresses and strains in computer-aided design models. It has been known that Finite element analysis is an essential analyse technique in implant dentistry and it offers useful biomechanical results before intraoral rehabilitation. This compilation gives detailed information about finite element method and it can use in in implant dentistry to provide information for researchers.   Keywords: Finite Elemant Analysis, Stres Analysis, Force, Implant

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The Last Elements of the Stress Analysis Method of Implants

In recent years, implant therapy has become a highly preferred treatment option for full or partial dental-free arc rehabilitation due to its satisfactory function and aesthetic results. Although implant applications are known as a successful treatment option, they may fail if the proper load, geometry and location are not selected. To avoid implant failure, it is necessary to evaluate the possible stress levels in the function and to choose the ideal implant position in dental implant planning. It is very difficult to test or prove the biomechanical performance of the implants due to the difficulties in assessing the stability of the implants or the osseointegration in oral conditions. Therefore, in-vitro studies were necessary for the assessment of oral biomechanical conditions.             The analysis of the final elements is an analysis technique that has increased and increased in the last decade as a way to evaluate the mechanical behavior of dental materials, teeth and implants and can be used in the fields of bio-mechanical science. The end-elements analysis is a gabbage-based simulation technique that solves biomechanical problems by dividing into small pieces and calculates stress and tensions in computer-backed design models. It provides useful biomechanical findings before oral rehabilitation and is an important analysis technique in implant dentistry. This collection provides detailed information about the method of analysis of the final elements and can be used in implant dentistry in order to provide information to researchers. In recent years, implant therapy has become the most preferred treatment choice for completely or partially edentulous arch rehabilitation due to its satisfactory functional and aesthetic results. Although implant therapy is known as a successful treatment procedure, it is also known that failure is possible if appropriate loading, geometry or location is not selected for implant carefully. To aviod implant failure, it is necessary to assess possible stress levels under function and to select the ideal implant configurations during dental implant planning. It is so difficult to prove or test the biomechanical performance of implants due to difficulties in assessing the stability or osseointegration of the implant in intraoral conditions. Therefore in-vitro studies became necessary for assessing intraoral biomechanical conditions.  Finite element analysis is an analysis technique that can be used in biomechanical fields of science and have grown exponentially in the last decade as a way to assess the mechanical behavior of dental materials, teeth and implants. Finite element analysis is algebra-based simulation technique that solves the biomechanical problems by dividing them into small pieces and calculates stresses and strains in computer-aided design models. It has been known that Finite element analysis is an essential analysis technique in implant dentistry and it offers useful biomechanical results before intraoral rehabilitation. This compilation gives detailed information about finite element method and it can be used in implant dentistry to provide information for researchers.   Keywords: Finite Elemant Analysis, Stres Analysis, Force, Implant

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Benzer Makaleler

Current Research in Dental Sciences

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 1.431
Atıf : 2.170
Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı

Current Research in Dental Sciences