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  Citation Number 4
 Views 220
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Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD), dünyanın en büyük ekonomisi ve ikinci büyük sera gazı emisyonu üreticisi olarak küresel iklim değişikliği ile mücadele konusunda en önemli aktörlerden birisidir. George W. Bush yönetimi 2001’de ABD’nin Kyoto Protokolü’nden çekildiğini açık-lamış, bu nedenle Kyoto Protokolü hedeflenen emisyon indirimini sağlamakta yetersiz kalmıştır. Ocak 2009’da göreve gelen Başkan Obama’nın ikinci döneminde ise ABD’nin hem federal hem de uluslararası düzeyde iklim değişikliğine uyum ve emisyon azaltım faaliyetleri art-mıştır. 2016 Dünya Günü’nde 175 ülkenin imzaladığı Paris Anlaşması sürecinde Obama, iklim değişikliği ile mücadelede sorumluluk almaya ve uluslararası liderlik rolünü üstlenmeye hazır olduklarını açıklamıştır. Ancak anlaşmanın yürürlüğe girmesinin ardından, Kasım 2016’da ABD’de gerçekleşen başkanlık seçimini kazanan Donald J. Trump, göreve başladıktan sonra ülkesinin Pa-ris Anlaşması’ndan çekileceğini ilan etmiştir. Böylece bir kez daha, iklim değişikliği ile uluslararası mücadelede ABD sorumluluk ve yükümlülük üstlenmekten kaçınan bir konum benimsemiştir. Bu çalışmada iklim değişikliği konusunda özellikle Obama ve Trump’ın söylemleri ve izledikleri politikalar incelenerek, sorumluluk üstlenme ya da iklim değişikliğini inkâr ikilemi tartışılmıştır.


Climate Change Policy of the United States: Responsibility and Negativity

The United States (USA) is one of the most important actors in the fight against global climate change as the world’s largest economy and the second largest greenhouse gas emission producer. George W. Bush administration revealed that the United States was withdrawn from the Kyoto Protocol in 2001, so the Kyoto Protocol remains insufficient to provide targeted emission reductions. During President Obama’s second term in January 2009, U.S. climate change and emission reduction activities increased both at the federal and international level. In the process of the Paris Agreement signed by 175 countries on World Day 2016, Obama declared that they are ready to take responsibility in the fight against climate change and take the international leadership role. But after the agreement came into force, Donald J. Trump, who won the U.S. presidential election in November 2016, announced that his country would withdraw from the Pa-ris agreement after he began his office. Thus, again, the United States has adopted a position that avoids taking responsibility and commitment in the international struggle against climate change. In this study on climate change, especially the statements of Obama and Trump and the policies they follow, discussed the responsibility or denial of climate change.


Climate Change Policy Of The United States: Dilemma Of Commitment or Denial

The United States (US), as the world’s largest economy and the second largest greenhouse gas emitter, is one of the most significant actors of global climate change process. In 2001, President George W. Bush announced the withdrawal of the US from the Kyoto Protocol which led to a setback in the international mitigation process. On the other hand, President Obama who took office in January 2009 has increasingly involved in climate change adaptation and mitigation activities on both national and international levels. The Paris Agreement, signed by 175 states on 2016 Earth Day, represented the beginning of a new era in international climate negotiations and the US eagerly announced its willingness to lead in the coming years. However, with the election of Donald J. Trump in November 2016, the role of the US in international climate mitigation and adaptation negotiations was shifted once more. This study aims to analyze and compare the climate change rhetoric and policies of Obama and Trump, discussing their administrations’ respective climate commitments or denial.


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