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Tuva Edebiyatının Önemli Şahsiyeti Oleg Karlamoviç Sagan-Ool ve Ujurajıışkın “Karşılaşma” Adlı Hikâyesi Üzerine
Türk Dünyası Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi

1930’lu yıllardan sonra gelişen çağdaş Tuva edebiyatının kurucularından biri olan Oleg Karlamoviç Sagan-ool, hem çok yönlü kişiliği ile hem de edebiyatta ele almış olduğu pek çok yeni tema ile dikkatleri çekmiştir. 1938 yılında yayımladığı ilk şiir kitabıyla edebiyat dünyasına önemli bir adım atan edebiyatçı sonrasında hikâye, roman, piyes, senaryo yazarlığı ile altın çağa damga vuran edebiyatçılarından biri olmuştur. Ayrıca Rus yazarlardan yapmış olduğu edebî çevirileri de bulunmaktadır. Döneminin olaylarını, toplumun mevcut durumunu, insanların yaşadığı zorlukları, kahramanların ruh hâllerini etkileyici üslubu ile aktaran yazarın eserlerindeki tasvirler de yazarın ustalığını ayrıca ortaya koyar. Bu makalede, Oleg Karlamoviç Sagan-ool’un hayatı, edebî kişiliği, eserleri, edebiyata getirdiği yenilikler, sanatsal faaliyetleri gibi konularda bilgiler verilecek yazarın 1941 yılında yayımlanan ve Tuva edebiyatında hikâye türünün ilk örneklerinden biri kabul edilen Ujurajıışkın “Karşılaşma” adlı hikâyesinin Türkiye Türkçesine aktarması yapılacak ve hikâyenin kısa bir değerlendirmesine de yer verilecektir. Hikâyede kahramanın dilenme veya avlanmak üzere çıktığı yolculuklarda karşılaştığı karakterlerin yaşadığı olaylar, ruh hâlleri ve akıbetleri anlatılır. Karakterlerin hikâye kahramanıyla ortak olan tarafı zorlu bir yaşam sürmeleri, iyi bir yaşam arayışı içinde olmalarıdır. Yazar tüm bu karşılaşmaları etkileyici üslubuyla kaleme almıştır.


The Important Personality of Tuva Literature About Oleg Karlamovich Sagan-Ool and Ujurajk's "Confrontation" Story

Oleg Karlamovich Sagan-ool, one of the founders of contemporary Tuva literature that developed after the 1930s, has attracted attention with many new topics he has dealt with in both his versatile personality and literature. With his first poem book published in 1938, he made an important step into the literary world, after which he became one of the literary writers who struck the mark to the golden age with the story, novel, painting, script writing. There are also literary translations made by Russian writers. The paintings in the writer's works that translate the events of the period, the current state of society, the difficulties people experience, the spirit of the heroes with an impressive style also reveal the writer's mastery. In this article, information will be provided on topics such as the life of Oleg Karlamovich Sagan-ool, his literary personality, works, the innovations he brings to literature, his artistic activities; the author's 1941 published and one of the first examples of the story type in Tuva literature, the story "Confrontation" will be translated to Turkish and will be included in a brief assessment of the story. The story tells the characters who encounter in the trips where the hero is going to pray or hunt, the events, spirits and events that the characters experience. The side of the characters in common with the story hero is that they are living a difficult life, looking for a good life. The author has all of these meetings with an impressive style.


On An Important Author Of Tuvan Literature Oleg Karlamovich Sagan-ool and His Story Ujurajiiskin ‘meeting’

Oleg Karlamovich Sagan-ool, one of the founders of the contemporary Tuvan literature that developed after the 1930’s, attracted attention with his versatile personality and many new themes he brought to literature. The writer, who took an important step into the world of literature with his first poetry book published in 1938, became one of the literary writers who marked the golden age with his writing of stories, novels, plays and screenplays. He also had literary translations from Russian authors. The descriptions in the works of the author, who conveyed the events of his period, the current situation of the society, the difficulties experienced by the people, the moods of the heroes in his impressive style, also reveal the author’s mastery. In this article, Oleg Karlamovich Sagan-ool’s life and literary personality, his works, his bringing innovation to literature, information on topics such as artistic activities will be given, and also the author’s first example of the kinds of stories published in 1941, called Ujurajıışkın “Meeting” will be translated and a brief review of the story will be included. In the story, the events, moods and fates of the characters that the hero encounters during his journeys begging or hunting are told. What the characters have in common with the hero of the story is that they live a hard life and seek a good life. The author wrote all these encounters in his impressive style.

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