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  Citation Number 2
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Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi

Betonarme yapılardaki kalıcılık sorunlarından birisi de sülfat saldırısıdır. Sülfat beton içerisinde bazı reaksiyonlarla çatlak, genleşme, dağılma gibi bozulmalara yol açar ve sonuçta betonun dayanımında düşüşler gözlenir. Bu çalışmada; mineral katkıların betonların sülfat direncine etkisi incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla çimento yerine, yüksek fırın cürufu ve zeolit kullanılarak betonlar üretilmiştir. Üretilen betonlarda yüksek fırın cürufu ve zeolit çimento yerine ağırlıkça %10, %20 ve %30 oranlarında kullanılmıştır. Üretilen betonlardan hazırlanan örnekler üzerinde 28, 90 ve 180 günlük kür sonrasında basınç dayanımı, eğilme dayanımı ve birim ağırlık deneyleri yapılmıştır. Ayrıca üretilen betonlardan hazırlanan örnekler 28 günlük kür sonrasında 100 g/l sülfatlı (Na2SO4) suda 90 ve 180 gün sülfat etkisine maruz bırakılarak ASTM C 1012’ye uygun şekilde sülfat testleri de yapılmıştır. Ayrıca kontrol grubu ve %10 mineral katkılı gruplarda SEM görüntüleri, EDS ve XRD ışını ölçümleri ile içyapı incelemesi yapılmıştır. Tüm gruplarda çimento türü (CEM I), toplam bağlayıcı miktarı (400 kg/m3), sülfat miktarı (100 g/l), agrega türü ve gradasyonu sabit tutulmuştur. Sülfat etkisine maruz bırakılmamış kontrol numuneleri ve sülfat etkisindeki numuneler kıyaslanmış, hem basınç hem de eğilme dayanımında en iyi performansı %10 yüksek fırın cürufu ve zeolit içeren numunelerin gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir.



One of the lasting problems in concrete structures is the sulphate attack. With some reactions in concrete, sulfate causes disturbances such as fractures, prolongation, dispersion, and in the end there are decreases in the resistance of concrete. In this study, the effect of mineral contributions on the sulphate resistance of concrete has been studied. Instead of cement for this purpose, concrete are produced using high oven curve and zeolit. In the produced concrete, high oven curve and zeolithic cement were used in weight 10%, 20% and 30% ratings instead. Examples made from produced concrete were tested after 28, 90 and 180 days of curry with pressure resistance, inclination resistance and unit weight tests. Examples made from produced concrete were also tested according to ASTM C 1012, exposed to 90 and 180 days of sulphate effect in 100 g/l sulfate (Na2SO4) water after 28 days of curry. In the control group and 10% mineral contributed groups, SEM images, EDS and XRD radiation measurements have also been carried out. In all groups, the cement type (CEM I), the total binding quantity (400 kg/m3), the quantity of sulfate (100 g/l), the aggregate type and gradiation are kept fixed. Unexposed control samples and samples in sulphate effect were compared and the best performance in both pressure and inclination resistance was found by samples containing 10% high oven curve and zeolite.


Determining Sulphate Resistance Of Concretes With Blast Furnace Slag and Zeolite

One of the problems in reinforced concrete structures is sulphate attack. Some reactions of sulphate with the cement, lead to deterioations in concrete such as cracks, expansion, dispersion and as a result decreases are seen in strength of the concrete. In this paper; the effect of mineral additives on the sulphate resistance of concrete was investigated. For this aim concrete specimens were produced by using blast furnace slag and zeolite instead of cement. In concrete specimens Blast Furnace Slag (BFS) and zeolite were replaced with cement in weight 10%, 20%, 30% ratio. Unit weights, compressive strength and flexural strength measurements were made on the samples at 28, 90 and 180 days. In addition after 28 days water curing, specimens were exposed to sulphate effect for 90 and 180 days in 100 g/l sulphated (Na2SO4) water according to ASTM C 1012. In the control group and 10% mineral supplement groups, SEM images, EDS and XRD measurements were used for internal structure analysis. In all groups, cement type, total amount of binder, amount of sulphate, aggregate type and gradation were kept constant. As a result, both water-cured samples and the samples in the sulphated water were compared, best performance in both compressive and bending strength, is obtained from 10% BFS and 10% zeolite groups.


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