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Cumhuriyet Dönemi Yaygın Din Eğitiminde Kullanılan Bazı Kitaplar Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme
Balıkesir İlahiyat Dergisi

Yaygın din eğitimi örgün din eğitiminden çok daha eski bir tarihe sahiptir. 3 Mart 1924 tarih ve 429 sayılı “Şer’iyye ve Evkâf ve Erkânı Harbiye Vekâletlerinin İlgasına Dair” kanunla beraber din eğitiminde düzenlemeye gidilmiştir. Dini kurumların idaresinin kendisine verildiği Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı 22.06.1965 tarih ve 633 sayılı kanunla birlikte “toplumu din konusunda aydınlatma” görevini üstlenmiştir. Bu görevi yerine getirirken uygun bir eğitim öğretim ortamının oluşturulması gerekmektedir. Oluşturulan eğitim öğretim ortamında kullanılan materyallerin içeriği süreci zenginleştiren bir özelliğe sahiptir. Dönemin şartlarına ve ihtiyaçlarına göre değişen materyaller kullanılsa bile kitaplar öğreticilerin çoğunlukla başvurdukları kaynak olma özelliğini taşımaktadır. Tarihi süreçte yaygın din eğitiminde kullanılan değişmez materyaller arasında Kur’an alfabesi ve Kur’an-ı Kerim vardır. Dini bilgiler öğrenme alanıyla ilgili farklı dönemlerde değişik isimlerde kaynaklar mevcuttur. Çalışmada yer alan kitaplar yaygın din eğitiminde kullanılan kitapların küçük bir bölümünü içermektedir. Örgün din eğitiminde kullanılan kitaplar araştırmanın kapsamı dışındadır. Bu açıdan bahsi geçen dönem için çocukların kısmen ailelerinden kısmen de hocalardan aldıkları din derslerinde okutulan kitaplar ile yaygın din eğitimi görevini üstlendikten sonra Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı çatısı altındaki Kur’an kurslarında okutulan ya da okutulması tavsiye edilen kitaplar çalışmanın temelini oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma, Cumhuriyet döneminde yaygın din eğitiminde kullanılan kitapların eğitim ve din anlayışının ne olduğu sorusu üzerine kurulmuştur. Örgün din eğitimindeki kaynak kitaplar üzerine araştırmalar mevcutken yaygın din eğitiminde kullanılan kitaplar açısından kapsamlı bir çalışma olmaması araştırmanın önemini arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada söz konusu kitaplar şekil, kullanılan dil ve anlatım, içerik, dönemin din anlayışı ve Kur’an kursları müfredatlarına uygunlukları açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Doküman incelemesi yöntemi kullanılan araştırma sonucunda incelenen kitapların her birinin kendi içinde farklı özellikler taşıdığı, dönemin müfredatları ile uyumlu oldukları, doktriner bir bakış açısı ile hazırlandıkları sonucuna varılmıştır.


A review of some of the books used in religious education in the Republic Period

The widespread religious education has a much older history than the ancient religious education. 3 March 1924 and the Law No. 429 "To the Interest of the Sheriff and Evkâf and Erkânı Harbiye Vekâliets" were arranged in religious education. The Directorate of Religious Institutions was given to him by the President of the Divine Affairs on 22.06.1965 and with Law No. 633 the task of "lighting the community about the religion" was taken. For this purpose, a proper educational environment should be created. The content of the materials used in the educational environment created has a feature that enrichs the process. Even if materials are used varied according to the conditions and needs of the period, books have the characteristic of being the source that teachers mostly apply to. In the historical process, the unchanged materials used in the widespread religious education include the Qur’an alphabet and the Qur’an. There are different sources in different periods related to the field of religious knowledge. The books included in the study contain a small portion of books used in religious education. The books used in religious education are outside the scope of research. For this period mentioned, children partly from their families and partly from teachers are the foundations of the study of books that are taught in religious lessons and after taking over the widespread religious education task, the books that are taught or recommended to be taught in the Qur’an courses under the roof of the Dianet Affairs President. The study was based on the question of what is the education and understanding of the books used in the religious education in the Republic period. Research on the source books in religious education is available while there is no comprehensive study of the books used in religious education is increasing the importance of research. In this study, the books in question were evaluated in terms of the form, the language used and the narrative, the content, the understanding of the religion of the period and the correspondence to the curriculum of the Qur'an courses. The method of examination of the document used the research resulted in the conclusion that each of the books studied has different characteristics in itself, that they are compatible with the curriculum of the period, prepared from a doctrinary point of view.


An Evaluation On Some Books Used In Non-formal Religious Education In The Republican Period

Non-formal religious education has a much deep-rooted history than formal religious education. With the "On the Removal of The Deputies of Şer‘iyye and Evkâf and Erkânı Harbiye" law numbered 429 and dated March 3, 1924, regulations were made in religious education. With the administration of religious institutions, the Directorate of Religious Affairs undertook the task of “enlightening the society about religion” with the law numbered 633 dated 22.06.1965. While administering this task, an appropriate education environment must be created. The content of the materials used in the created educational environment has a feature that enriches the process. Even if the materials are used according to the conditions and needs of the period, the books have the feature of being the most used source by teachers. The literal materials used in religious education in the historical process include the Qur’an alphabet and the Qur’an. Sources with different names were used in different periods related to religious knowledge learning. The books in the study contain a small part of the books used in non-formal religious education. Books used in formal religious education are outside the scope of the research. In this regard, for the mentioned period, the books taught in the religious lessons taken from the families and teachers of the children and the books that were taught or recommended to be taught in the Qur'an courses under the roof of the Directorate of Religious Affairs form the basis of the study. In this study, these books have been evaluated from various angles. The study is based on the question of what is the understanding of education and religion of the books used in common religious education during the Republic. While there are researches on reference books in formal religious education, the lack of a comprehensive study in terms of books used in non-formal religious education increases the importance of the research. In this study, the books in question were evaluated in terms of their form, language and expression, content, understanding of the religion of the period and their suitability to the curriculum of Qur’an courses. As a result of the research using the document analysis method, it was concluded that each of the examined books had different characteristics in themselves, were compatible with the curriculum of the period, and were prepared with a doctrinal perspective.


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