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  Citation Number 5
 Views 63
 Downloands 14
Zihinsel Yetersizliği Olan Çocuklarda Uyarlanmış Su İçi Egzersizlerin Sosyal Beceriler Üzerine Etkisi
Gazi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi

Yetersizliğin engele dönüşmesinin önlenmesi amacıyla, bireyin yaşadığı çevre onun ihtiyaçlarına uygun hale getirilebilir. Yetersizliği olan bireylerin, eğitim haklarından yararlanmaları için eğitim ortamı, bireysel yetersizlikleri göz önüne alınarak oluşturulmuş eğitim programlarıyla tasarlanabilir. Beden sağlığı iyi olan, temel motor becerileri sergilemede sıkıntı yaşamayan zihinsel yetersizliğe sahip çocukların, topluma kolay uyum sağladığı bilinmektedir. Su içi egzersizler, tüm çocuklar için, genel sağlık, fiziksel uygunluk, istenen davranış değişikliği, özgüven kazanma, sosyalleşme ve topluma uyum düzeyinin gelişmesine katkıda bulunur. Bu çalışmanın amacı hafif ve orta derecede zihinsel yetersizliği olan çocuklarda uyarlanmış su içi egzersizlerin, bazı sosyal beceri parametrelerine etkisini incelemektir. Yaşları 10-12 arasında (Ortalama ±Standart Sapma Yaş(yıl) 11,46 ± 0,64) zihinsel yetersizliği olan kız ve erkek 15 çocuk, gerekli tüm izinler alınarak çalışmaya katılmışlardır. İstanbul'da bir belediyeye ait yüzme havuzunda, haftada 2 gün temel yüzme becerilerini geliştirici su içi egzersizler, haftada 1 gün kara egzersizleri olmak üzere haftada 3 gün, toplam 14 hafta süreyle çocukların zihinsel ve fiziksel durumuna göre uyarlanmış özel bir egzersiz programı uygulanmıştır. Akçamete ve Avcıoğlu (2005)'nun geliştirdiği 7-12 yaş çocuklara yönelik Sosyal Beceri Değerlendirme Ölçeği, 14 haftalık programın öncesinde ve sonrasında eğitmenleri tarafından cevaplandırılmıştır. Ölçeğin “Bilişsel beceriler” ve "Grupla çalışabilme becerileri" verilerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir gelişme gözlenmemiştir (p>0.05). Temel sosyal beceriler, temel konuşma, ileri konuşma, ilişkiyi başlatabilme, ilişkiyi sürdürebilme, duygusal beceriler, kendini kontrol edebilme, saldırgan davranışlarla başa çıkabilme, sonuçları kabul etme, yönergeye uyum boyutlarının ön-test ve son-test verileri arasında ise istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur (p< 0,05). Uyarlanmış su içi egzersizler, zihinsel yetersizliği olan çocukların bazı sosyal beceri parametrelerine olumlu etkide bulunmuştur.


The Impact of Adjusted Water Exercises on Social Skills in Children with Mental Disability

In order to prevent the failure from becoming an obstacle, the environment in which the individual lives can be adapted to his needs. The educational environment for disabled individuals to benefit from their educational rights can be designed with educational programs created taking into account individual disabilities. It is known that children with mental disabilities who have good body health, without trouble showing basic motor skills, are easily adapted to society. Water-in-air exercises, for all children, contribute to the development of general health, physical fitness, desired behavior change, self-confidence gain, socialization and the level of social adaptation. The aim of this study is to study the impact of water-based exercises adapted to some social skills parameters in children with mild and medium mental disability. 15 children with mental disability between the ages of 10-12 (medium ± Standard Sappma; age(year) 11.46 ± 0.64) participated in the study with all necessary permits. In the swimming pool of a municipality in Istanbul, a special exercise program was implemented, adapted to the mental and physical condition of children for a total of 14 weeks, including 1 day in the week, 1 day in the week, 1 day in the week, 1 day in the week. The Social Skills Assessment Scale for children 7-12 years old developed by Akçamete and Avcıoğlu (2005) was answered by their teachers before and after the 14 week program. No statistically meaningful improvement has been observed in the data "Cognitive Skills" and "Compulsory Skills" of the scale (p>0.05). The basic social skills, basic speech, advanced speech, the ability to start a relationship, the ability to maintain a relationship, the emotional skills, the ability to self-control, the ability to deal with aggressive behaviors, the acceptance of results, the dimension of guideline conformity, the pre-test and the final-test data have statistically significant differences (p< 0,05). Adjusted water exercise has had a positive impact on some social skills parameters in children with mental disability.


Impact Of Adapted Aquatic Exercises On Social Skills Of Children With Intellectual Deficiencies

In order to prevent disability, individuals' lives with certain deficiencies can be adjusted according to their needs. Individuals with deficiencies benefit from educational rights if their educational environment is designed by considering individual circumstances. It is known that children with intellectual deficiencies but well physical health, adapt easily to society if they do not have difficulty in displaying basic motor skills. Aquatic exercises contribute to the development of general health, physical fitness, desired behavior change, gaining self-confidence, socialization and social adjustment for all children. The purpose of this study; is to investigate the effect of adapted aquatic exercises on some social skill parameters in children with mild and moderate intellectual deficiencies. 15 boys and girls aged 10-12 (mean ± standard deviation; age (years) 11.46 ± 0.64) with intellectual deficiencies participated in the study with all necessary permissions. An aquatic exercise program adapted to the mental and physical condition of the children was implemented during 14 weeks, including water exercises that improve basic swimming skills for 2 days and land exercises 1 day a week, in a community swimming pool in Istanbul. Akçamete and Avcıoğlu's (2005) Social Skills Assessment Scale for children aged 7-12, was answered by children's instructors before and after the 14-week program. There was no statistically significant improvement in “Cognitive skills” and "Group work skills" data (p> 0.05). Statistically significant differences were found between the pre-test and post-test data of the basic social skills, basic speech, advanced speech, initiating the relationship, maintaining the relationship, emotional skills, self-control, coping with aggressive behaviors, accepting the results, and adapting to the instruction sub-dimensions. (p <0.05). Adapted aquatic exercises had a positive effect on some social skill parameters of children with intellectual deficiencies.


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