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Body Images Becoming Abstract in Modern Sculpture
MSKU Journal of Education

Human body has been identified with the art of sculpture and has become one of its bases for creation until the emergence of modern art. Modern pieces of art emerged in late 19th century have caused great changes in the aesthetic understanding of human body and have become different from body images created in traditional style. It can be stated that “humanist” philosophy born in Europe, and which has placed human in the centre of life, has had great influence on this concept. Whether modern art is abstract or abstracting, both concepts melt into the notion of “abstract” and create the holism of “abstract”. The artist expresses the “thing” or “things” in his/her inner world. The artist creates his/her pieces combining his/her spiritual world with earthly images in abstraction. Therefore, the tendency of figurative sculpture towards non-figurative has been through abstractions. Despite being trained in terms of traditional art, A. Rodin differs from others in considering fictionalizing images while being the same with other in considering the bases for his art is figures in the traditional side. Rodin embraces the human body not in the known anatomical shape but in the idiocratic spirituality of it. Flickers symbolizing fragmentations on the surface of figures resemble paintings of impressionist painters through sudden impressions transforming into colour shades. Brancusi intends to simplify the visible body in its organic unity as much as possible. While doing this, he considers not a whole body as Rodin did, but sees it as a head or the torso alone. Beside figurative researches, he questions the effect of material on the figure by considering availabilities of the material to be transformed. The figures of Giacometti who creates figures that can be done without any need of modelling may be idealized dually between existence and annihilation. Regarding the period that these figures are created, WW2 seems to be the most effective on artists. Raising a concern of barbarity of human on human, consequently expressing the loneliness of humankind, body figures are kind of mental indicators of the period. The figurative language of Moore is generally of organic abstractions. Moore, tactually raising organic forms to a visual power, frankly implicates the spiritual state of human with the help of his plastic interpretations. Space is important in part to whole relation. Space has sometimes been a plastic element filling in bodies transforming them into abstracted and fragmented bonelike forms. In terms of both material and abstraction as the formation style of the artist, the reason for creating abstractness in body images in any condition is the subjective spiritual comprehension of the artist. Keywords: Body, sculpture, image, modern, becoming abstract

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Benzer Makaleler


MSKU Journal of Education

Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 214
Atıf : 1.285
Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

MSKU Journal of Education