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 Görüntüleme 41
 İndirme 6
International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education

This article discusses the Tajik and Arabic toponyms that exist among the place names of the city of Ko'kan. Explanations are given for some adopted toponyms. Key words: Turkish-Arabic, Uzbek-Arabic, Uzbek-Tajik, Tajik acquisitions, Arabic acquisitions. It has long been known that the ancestors of the Tajiks lived in the territory of modern Uzbekistan, as well as in the territory of neighboring Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and other republics. According to Mahmud Koshgari's testimony, it was recorded that the Sughds (grandfathers of the Tajiks) living in the present-day Tokmok and Marki regions could speak both Turkish and Sughd [1.5]. It seems that, in addition to interactions and invasions, the fact that the territories of the ancient ancestors were not settled also shows that the meeting of acquisitions in the lexical structure of the language is natural. Various historical and socio-political processes in Central Asia, in particular, the invasion of Arabs, Mongols and Russians, neighborly relations with the brotherly Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Turkmen, and Tajik peoples also had a serious impact on the development of the Uzbek language. , factors such as Uzbek-Tajik, Uzbek-Kazakh, Uzbek-Kyrgyz and Uzbek-Turkmen bilingualism played a big role [3. 245]. 1.2 Toponyms formed on the basis of the Persian-Tajik language lexicon Every nation had economic, cultural and political relations with other nations during its development. Such communication is also reflected in their languages. In addition to our own words, the vocabulary of the Uzbek language includes many words that have been adopted from other languages. In the structure of the toponymy of the city of Kokand, words genetically belonging to other languages occupy an important place. Uzbeks and Tajiks have been living side by side since ancient times and have been in economic, political and cultural relations with each other. Such relations are also reflected in the system of place names of the area where the two peoples are spread. Therefore, in the past, Tajiks who settled here during the Kokand Khanate lived together with Uzbeks, close relations, god-father relations and other reasons led to the emergence of Persian-Tajik names in the toponymy of the city. Currently, in the structure of the toponymy of the city, we observe many such acquisitions: Guzar, Guldasta, Gullola, Sarboz, Sarbon, Sarkor, Sayyid, Sohibkor, Chorbog, Horvador, Dastorbof, Darveshabad, Degrezlik (in oral pronunciation Derezli

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Benzer Makaleler

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education

Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 477
Atıf : 389
Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education