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  Citation Number 2
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Bireysel İş Hukuku Açısından Zorlayıcı ve Zorunlu Sebeplere Bağlı Olarak Ortaya Çıkan Çalışma Koşullarının Yeni Koronavirüs (Covid-19) Nedeniyle Gerçekleştirilen Son Yasal Değişiklikler Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi
İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası

Çalışma hayatı açısından zorunlu ve zorlayıcı durumların ortaya çıkardığı temel etki işyeri ve işletmelerde mal ve hizmet üretiminin önemli ölçüde durması nedeniyle işçi çıkarma ve işsizliğin artması tehlikesidir. Bu süreçte iş mevzuatında bazı tedbirler var olmakla birlikte bunların bazı şartlara tabi tutulmuş olması ve her çalışanın bundan yararlanamaması, Covid-19 salgınının ekonomik ve sosyal etkilerinin zayıflatılmasında yetersiz kalmış, getirilen geçici yeni mevzuat düzenlemelerine bağlı olarak (koşulları hafifletilmiş olmasına rağmen) kısa çalışma ödeneği dışında, bu ödenekten yararlanamayanlara nakdi ücret desteği sağlanması yoluna da gidilmiştir. Ayrıca bu süreçte işverene zorlayıcı sebeple tek taraflı olarak üç ayla sınırlı olmak üzere iş sözleşmelerini askıya alma yetkisi verilmiş, bu sebeple içinin fesih hakkı sınırlanmış, işverene ise ahlak ve iyiniyet kurallarına aykırı davranışlar dışında iş sözleşmesini fesih yasağı getirilmiştir. Çalışmamızda Yeni Koronavirüs (Covid-19) salgınına bağlı olarak bireysel iş hukuku alanında alınan tedbirlere ve bu tedbirlerin çalışma hayatına ilişkin etkilerine değinilecek ve buna ilişkin muhtemel sorunlar ele alınacaktır.


Evaluation of working conditions that arise due to compulsory and compulsory reasons in the context of the latest legal changes made due to the cause of the new coronavirus (Covid-19)

The main impact of compulsory and compulsory situations in working life is the risk of employment and increased unemployment due to the substantial stop of goods and services production in the workplace and. In this process there are some measures in the business legislation, although they have been subject to certain conditions and that every employee has not been able to benefit from it, the economic and social impacts of the Covid-19 epidemic have remained insufficient, due to the provisional new legislation introduced (although the conditions have been relieved) short work payments, the way has also been to provide cash wage support to those who are unable to benefit from this payment. In addition, in this process the employer has been granted the authority to suspend employment contracts, unilaterally limited to three months, and therefore the right to terminate is limited, and the employer has been prohibited from terminating employment contracts, except for behaviors that violate the rules of morality and goodness. Our study will address the measures taken in the field of individual business law due to the New Coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic and the impact of these measures on the work life and address the potential issues related to it.


Evaluation Of Emerging Working Conditions Following Mandatory Labor Law Changes Due To The New Coronavirus (covid-19)

Our study discusses the individual labor law measures that have been taken and their effect on working life. Potential problems are addressed due to the outbreak of the new coronavirus (Covid-19). The main effect of compulsory and challenging changes to working life is the danger of redundancies and unemployment, as the production of goods and services shrinks significantly. Although some labor legislation measures have been designed to decrease the negative effects of the crisis, they are subject to certain conditions, and not every employee can benefit from this. The adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy cannot be eliminated and except for the short-time working allowance (although conditions have been alleviated) due to the temporary legislative regulations introduced (although conditions have been alleviated) cash fee support to those who cannot benefit from this payment has been given. In this situation, the employer has the right to suspend labor contracts unilaterally for three months for compelling reasons, therefore the right to terminate employment was restricted, and employers were banned from terminating employment contracts except for ethical and good conduct.


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İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası

Field :   Hukuk

Journal Type :   Ulusal

Article : 1.792
Cite : 5.149
Basic Field of Law

İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası