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The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies

Thomas Mann Alman Edebiyatının en önemli yazarları arasında yer alır. Çalışmada Thomas Mann’ın “Venedik’te Ölüm” adlı eseri mekânsal ve bedensel bir temelde incelenmiştir. Yazarın bu eserinde Gustav von Aschenbach adlı yazarın yeni eser üretmede yaşadığı kısır döngüyü kırmak için Venedik’e yaptığı seyahat anlatılır. Aschenbach’ın Venedik’te karşılaştığı Tadzio adındaki genç, sanatçının ruhunda farklı bir etki yaratır. Eserde iki kavram ön plana çıkar: Mekân ve Beden. Venedik tarihsel ve coğrafi arka planı ile eserde sanatçının sonunu hazırlayan önemli bir mekân konumundadır. Sanatçı Aschenbach tarafından biçimin tanrısal bir yansıması olarak tasvir edilen Tadzio’nun bedeni ise Aschenbach’ı şehirde tutar. Venedik’te yayılan Hint kolerasına rağmen Aschenbach şehri terk etmez ve eserin sonunda orada hayatını kaybeder. Bu çalışmada Mann’ın adı geçen eseri Foucault’nun Heterotopya ve Ütopik Beden çalışmaları bağlamında incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmalar bağlamında eserde şehir hakkında yapılan tasvirler ve yaşanan salgın düşünüldüğünde Venedik’in bir heterotopyaya dönüştüğü sonucuna varılmıştır. Aschenbach’ın ve çok sayıda insanın ölümüne yol açan kolera Venedik şehrini bir mezarlık heterotopyasına çevirir. Bir heykel kusursuzluğunda tasvir edilen Tadzio’nun bedeni ise ütopik beden olarak kendini gösterir. Eserin sonunda Aschenbach kendi bedenini farklı uygulamalarla ütopikleştirmeye çalışır ancak bu konuda başarılı olamaz. Sonuç olarak hem mekânın hem de bedenin eserde Aschenbach’ın sanatı ve sonu için önemli bir etkiye sahip olduğu görülür.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The Heterotopia of Venice

Thomas Mann is one of the most important writers of German literature. In the study, Thomas Mann’s work “Death in Venice” was studied on a spatial and physical basis. The author’s work tells about the journey of the writer Gustav von Aschenbach to Venice to break the curvature cycle he lived in his new work. The young man named Tadzio, as Aschenbach met in Venice, creates a different influence on the artist’s spirit. There are two concepts in the work: the place and the body. Venice is an important place preparing the end of the artist in the work with its historical and geographical background. The body of Tadzio, depicted by the artist Aschenbach as a divine reflection of the form, holds Aschenbach in the city. Despite the Indian cholera spread in Venice, Aschenbach does not leave the city and at the end of the work loses his life there. In this study, Mann’s work, named Foucault, was studied in the context of Heterotopy and Utopian Body studies. In the context of these studies, the paintings made about the city in the work and the epidemic was considered to come to the conclusion that Venice became a heterotopy. The cholera, which led to the deaths of Aschenbach and many people, turns the city of Venice into a cemetery heterotopy. The body of Tadzio, depicted in the perfection of a statue, appears as an utopian body. At the end of the work, Aschenbach tries to utopize his body with different practices, but he cannot succeed in this. As a result, it appears that both the space and the body have a significant influence on the art and the end of Aschenbach in the work.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Veni̇ce As A Heterotopia

Thomas Mann is one of the most important writers of German literature. In this study, Thomas Mann's work “Death in Venice” is examined on a spatial and corporal basis. In his work “Death in Venice”, Thomas Mann describes Gustav von Aschenbach's travel to Venice to break the vicious circle of producing a new work. Tadzio whom Aschenbach meets in Venice, makes a different impact on the artist's soul. Two concepts stand out in the work: Space and Body. Venice is an important place that prepares the end of the artist with its historical and geographical background. The body of Tadzio, described by Aschenbach as a divine reflection of form, keeps Aschenbach in the city. In spite of the Indian cholera spread in Venice, Aschenbach does not leave the city and eventually loses his life there. In this study, Mann's Work has been examined in the context of Heterotopia and Utopian Body work of Foucault. In the light of the theoretical basis of these studies, it has been concluded that the depictions and the epidemics have transformed Venice into a heterotopy. Cholera, which leads to the death of Aschenbach and many people, turns the city of Venice into a cemetery heterotopy. The body of Tadzio, depicted in the perfection of a sculpture, manifests itself as the Utopian Body. At the end of the work Aschenbach tries to utopianize his own body with different applications, but he cannot be successful in this regard. As a result, it is seen that both the space and the body have a significant influence on the art and the end of Aschenbach.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 3.435
Atıf : 11.856
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The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies