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 Görüntüleme 12
Analysis of the Gynecologic Cancer Surgery with Pre-pandemic Protocols in a COVID-19 Free Cancer Center Gynecologic Cancer Surgery in COVID-19 Free Center
Jinekoloji-Obstetrik ve Neonatoloji Tıp Dergisi

Objective: COVID-19 has caused a rapid transformation in the healthcare system, including in particular, the care of vulnerable cancer patients. The aim of this study was to present our clinical experience in gynecological cancer surgeries in a COVID-19-free cancer hospital during the pandemic. Methods: A retrospective analysis was made of the data of patients with ovarian, endometrium, cervix and vulva cancers who were treated with surgery between March 2020 and March 2021, with particular focus on the complication rates on day 30, and at the end of one year. Results: The study included a total of 74 patients with mean age of 59 years. The most common diagnosis was ovarian cancer (48.6%) followed by endometrial (43.2%), cervical (6.8%) and vulvar cancer (1.4%). Most of the patients were in advanced stage (FIGO 3 and 4) of ovarian (86%), endometrial (59.4%) and cervical local advanced (60%) cancer. The complication rate was 17.6 %. Surgery was delayed in one patient with a preoperative positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for COVID-19 infection, and none of the patients had a positive test result in the early postoperative period. Conclusion: COVID-19-free institutions for cancer surgery, is an effective treatment strategy in the context of the pandemic. The results of this study indicate that continuity of cancer treatment can be achieved safely, with strict adherence to COVID-19 precautions for both patients and healthcare workers. Keywords: COVID-19, gynecological cancer, surgery, treatment

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Benzer Makaleler

Jinekoloji-Obstetrik ve Neonatoloji Tıp Dergisi

Alan :   Sağlık Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 370
Atıf : 213
Jinekoloji-Obstetrik ve Neonatoloji Tıp Dergisi