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  Citation Number 8
 Views 109
 Downloands 33
Belediyelerin Kurumsal İletişiminde Sosyal Medya: Karadeniz Bölgesi Örneği
Kent Akademisi

Günümüzde geleneksel iletişim araçlarının yavaş yavaş önemini kaybettiği onun yerine dijital ortamlarda kendini gösteren ve her geçen gün yaygınlaşan sosyal medya mecralarının insanların hayatında yer aldığına şahit oluyoruz. Sosyal medya ortamları sadece kişilerin değil ama aynı zamanda kurumların da yapılanmalarında etkisini göstermekte, kurumsal iletişimin gelişmesinde önemli bir enstrüman olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Çalışmamızın da konusu olan ve halka en yakın kurumlardan birisi olan belediyelerin hizmetlerinin tanıtımında, vatandaşların talepleri, beklentileri, memnuniyet ya da memnuniyetsizlikleri gibi nedenlerle çalışmalarında kurumsal iletişime ağırlık verdikleri görülmektedir. Belediyelerin kurumsal iletişimden beklentileri ile bu beklentilerin karşılanmasında sosyal medyanın sağlayacağı avantajlar birbiriyle örtüşmektedir. Çalışmamızda, Karadeniz Bölgesinde yer alan 32 belediyenin kurumsal iletişimlerinde sosyal medya kullanımları içerik analizi yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda belediyelerin sosyal medya hesaplarında 17 Eylül – 16 Ekim 2018 tarihleri arasında yaptıkları paylaşımlar irdelenmiştir. Yapılan içerik analizi sonucunda, belediyelerin sosyal medya kullanımına ilgi gösterdiği, kurumsal iletişimlerinde sosyal medyayı geleneksel iletişim mecralarına benzer şekilde tek taraflı kullandığı görülmektedir. Ayrıca sosyal medya mecralarının belediyeler tarafından sadece dış hedef kitleye yönelik kullanıldığı,  kurum içi iletişimde ise bu mecralardan faydalanılmadığı anlaşılmaktadır.


Belediyelerin Kurumsal İletişiminde Sosyal Medya: Karadeniz Bölgesi Örneği
Kent Akademisi

Nowadays, we are witnessing that the traditional means of communication are slowly losing their importance, instead of that, the social media outlets that show themselves in digital environments and are everyday spreading are taking part in the lives of people. Social media environments are not only influenced by individuals but also by institutions, and they are seen as an important instrument in the development of corporate communication. In the promotion of the services of the municipalities, which are also the subject of our work and one of the closest institutions to the public, it is seen that they emphasize corporate communication in their work for reasons such as citizens’ demands, expectations, satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The expectations of the municipalities from corporate communication and the advantages that social media will provide in meeting these expectations are interconnected. In our study, the use of social media in corporate communications of 32 municipalities located in the Black Sea Region was studied by content analysis method. In this regard, the municipalities’ social media accounts have been shared between September 17 and October 16 2018. The results of the content analysis show that the municipalities are interested in the use of social media, and that they use social media in their corporate communications unilaterally in the same way as the traditional communications mechanisms. It is also clear that social media messages are only used by the municipalities toward external target audience, and in internal communication they are not exploited by these messages.

Social Media In Institutional Communication Of Municipalities: The Case Of Black Sea Region
Kent Akademisi

Today, instead of the traditional communication tools that have lost their importance, we are witnessing that the social media channels that are becoming widespread in digital environments and which are becoming more and more common every day take part in people's lives. Social media environments are effective in structuring not only individuals but also corporations and appear as an important tool in the development of corporate communication. It is seen that the municipalities, which are the subject of our study and one of the closest institutions to the public, give importance to corporate communication in their activities due to the demands, expectations, satisfaction or dissatisfaction of citizens. The expectations of the municipalities from corporate communication and the advantages of social media in meeting these expectations overlap. In our study, the use of social media in corporate communications of 32 municipalities in the Black Sea Region was examined by content analysis method. In this respect, the shares of municipalities in their social media accounts between 17 September and 16 October 2018 were analyzed. As a result of the content analysis, it is seen that municipalities show interest in the use of social media, and in their corporate communications, they use social media unilaterally similar to traditional communication channels. In addition, it is understood that social media channels are used by the municipalities only for the external target audience, and that these channels are not used for internal communication.


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Kent Akademisi

Field :   Eğitim Bilimleri; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler; Ziraat, Orman ve Su Ürünleri

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 732
Cite : 1.465
Basic Field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Basic Field of Educational Sciences

Basic Field of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Kent Akademisi