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 İndirme 4
Formulation of Mouth Dissolving Tablets Using Solid Dispersion Technique: A Review
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research

Mouth-dissolving tablets are also called as fast disintegrating tablets, melt-in mouth tablets, orodispersible tablets, quick dissolving etc. Mouth dissolving tablets are those when put on tongue disintegrate rapidly thereby releasing the drug, which dissolve or disperses in the saliva. The faster the drug dissolved into solution, quick will be the absorption and onset of clinical effect. Mouth dissolving tablet containing solid dispersion was developed to improve the solubility of drug and stability of solid dispersion. Such tablets are disintegrate and/or dissolve rapidly in the saliva without the need for water. Hence it is regarded as the safest, most convenient and most economical method of drug delivery having the highest patient compliance. The later portion of the article focus on the progress in methods of manufacturing, evaluation and various latest technologies involved in the development of Mouth dissolving tablets. Solid dispersion is basically a drug with polymer two-component system; hence the drug–polymer interaction should be determined first in order to ensure the stability of the formulation. This review is intended to discuss the recent advances related on the area of solid dispersion technology. Since different methods are used for the preparation of solid dispersions such as fusion method, solvent method, melting solvent method, melt extrusion method, lyophilisation technique, melt agglomeration process, use of surfactant, electro spinning and super Critical Fluid Technology, of them which method is good and suitable for which type of drug. The use of Mouth dissolving dosage forms has solved various problems noted in administration of drugs to the pediatric and elderly patient, which constitutes a large proportion of the world's population. The initial focus of this review article is based on solid dispersion mainly advantages, disadvantages, types, the method of preparation, and characterization of the solid dispersion at laboratory and industrial level.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research

Alan :   Sağlık Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 330
Atıf : 86
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research