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  Citation Number 5
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Erzincan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi

Türküler, gelenek ve görenekler, halk oyunları, örf ve adetler ait oldukları toplum hakkında önemli bilgiler veren ve o topluma özel olan değerlerdir. Sosyal çevreye göre değişiklik gösteren kültürel değerler genellikle ait oldukları yörenin özelliklerini yansıtmaktadır. Bu kültürel değerler içerisinde yer alan halk oyunları ülkemizin her bölgesinde farklı şekillerde icra edilmektedir. Yapılan icralar o topluma ait olan birçok kültürel değeri içerisinde barındırmaktadır. Ülkemizin kültürel zenginlik bakımından önde gelen kentlerinden biri olan Erzincan’ın, Refahiye ilçesinde de; Temir Ağa, Dik Halay ve Düz Halay, Deme-Çevirme gibi halk oyunları örneklerine rastlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Refahiye yöresine ait olan halk oyunları üzerinde ezgisel analiz, ritmik analiz, oyun (figür) analizi ve sözlü oyunlarda konu analizi üzerinde durulmuştur. Çalışmada literatür taraması yapılarak ulaşılan TRT repertuarından yer alan oyunların yanı sıra literatürde olmayan halk oyunları alanda yapılan görüşmelere, gözlemlere ve görüntü kaydına dayalı arşivler incelenerek Refahiye ilçesine bağlı köylerde icra edilen halk oyunları tespit edilmiştir. Bu oyunlar notaya alınmış ve yörede söylenen sözleri ile tespit altına alınmış, derlenerek belgelenmiştir.


Review of the People's Games

Folk songs, customs and traditions, folk dances are values that give important information about the society to which they belong and are specific to that society. Cultural values that vary according to the social environment generally reflect the characteristics of the region to which they belong. Folk dances within these cultural values are performed in different ways in every region of our country. Performances contain many cultural values belonging to that society. In the Refahiye district of Erzincan; which is one of the leading cities of our country in terms of cultural wealth; folk dances such as Temir Ağa, Dik Halay and Düz Halay, Deme-Translation are performed. In this study, over folk dances belonging to Rihanna region melodic analysis, rhythmic analysis, game (figure) analysis and topic analysis in verbal games were studied. In this study, in addition to the folk dances in the TRT repertoire, which was reached through literature review, folk dances not in the iterature but performed in villages of Refahiye district were determined by examining the archives, interviews, observations and video recordings. These dances were noted and identified with the words spoken in the region, compiled and documented.


A Research On Refahiye Folk Dances

Folk songs, customs and traditions, folk dances are values that give important information about the society to which they belong and are specific to that society. Cultural values that vary according to the social environment generally reflect the characteristics of the region to which they belong . Folk dances within these cultural values are performed in different ways in every region of our country. Performances contain many cultural values belonging to that society. In the Refahiye district of Erzincan; which is  one of the leading cities of our country in terms of cultural wealth; folk dances such as Temir Ağa, Dik Halay and Düz Halay, Deme-Çevirme are performed. In this study, over folk dances belonging to Refahiye region melodic analysis, rhythmic analysis, game (figure) analysis and topic analysis in verbal games were studied. In this study,  in addition to the folk dances  in the TRT repertoire, which was reached through literature review,  folk dances not in the iterature but performed in villages of Refahiye district were determined by examining the archives, interviews, observations and video recordings. These dances were noted and identified with the words spoken in the region, compiled and documented.


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Erzincan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi