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 Görüntüleme 53
 İndirme 5
Recent dynamics of the aging process of the rural population in Cuba
Novedades en Población

Abstract One of the main processes that the Cuban population is currently experiencing is population aging. Due to its importance and impact, a deep knowledge of its particularities is imposed, as well as the complex relationships that it generates in our country. As a particular group, the research presented addresses the issue of aging focused on the population classified as rural according to the census and statistical criteria of Cuba. The study of the dynamics of the aging process of the rural population that is proposed provides an approach to a population group that, without being the majority in numerical terms, occupies an important place in the economic development of the country and of which on many occasions lacks specific studies. The current Cuban economic dynamics imposes the recovery of the agricultural sector, resuming its primary functions, under economic conditions that break with extensive cultivation models. The bases of the search for new productive models and structures in land ownership imply, more than before, the availability of labor. The aging of the Cuban population, especially in rural areas, becomes an important problem in view of the challenges previously raised. The approach carried out focuses on the behavior of the aging process of the population in rural areas, its most important characteristics and particularities since 1990. Without actually establishing urban-rural comparisons, the current situation of this process is presented in quantitative terms. for this population group as well as the main features and spatial differentiations of the process

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Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

Novedades en Población

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 437
Atıf : 2
Novedades en Población