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20. Yüzyıl Başlarında Ermenek Kazasının Sıhhi ve İctimai Durumu
Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi

Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nın kaybedilmesi sonrasında galiplerin Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun tasfiye sürecine Türk milleti karşı çıkmış ve Millî Mücadele hareketine girişmişti. İstanbul yönetimi bu durumu bir yazgı olarak kabul etmesine rağmen, Türk milleti vatanı ve istiklali için her bakımdan yokluk içinde bir varlık yokluk savaşı vermekteydi. TBMM Hükümeti, bu çetin mücadele ile birlikte, askeri işlerin yanında, bir taraftan da eğitim, sağlık, bayındırlık gibi işlerle uğraşmış, modern Türkiye’nin kuruluşu konusunda kurumsallaşmaya yönelik adımlar atmıştı. Ülkenin ve toplumun mevcut durumunu tespit ederek, aciliyetler, ihtiyaçlar ve yapılması gerekenler konusunda yol haritaları oluşturmak için girişimlerde bulunmuştu. Bu konuda atılan önemli adımlardan birisi de sıhhi ve içtimai coğrafya çalışmaları olmuştu. 23 Nisan 1920 tarihinde Büyük Millet Meclisi’nin açılmasından hemen sonra kurulan hükümetin bakanlıklarından biri olarak, Umur-ı Sıhhiye ve Muavenet-i İçtimaiyye Vekâleti kurulmuştu. Umur-ı Sıhhiye ve Muavenet-i İçtimaiye Vekâleti, 1921 yılında, sıhhi ve içtimai coğrafya çalışmalarını başlatmış, ülke çapında sıhhi ve içtimai durumun tespiti konusunda, sıhhiye müdürlerini bölgeleri hakkında rapor hazırlamakla görevlendirmişti. Hazırlanan ve merkezde toplanan bu raporlar peyderpey kitaplar halinde basılmış ve yayınlanmıştı. Bunlardan Konya vilayeti ile ilgili olan, 1922 yılında 8. Cilt olarak basılmıştı. Konya’nın Ermenek kazasının sıhhi ve içtimai durumu, iktisadi ve coğrafi yapısı, folkloru gibi konular hakkındaki bilgiler de kitabın 107-116 sayfaları arasında verilmiştir. Çalışmamızda genel olarak yeteri kadar değerlendirilmemiş olan bu bilgilerin ışığında, Ermenek’in yakın geçmişteki sosyal, ekonomik, nüfus, sıhhi ve kültürel yapısına bir mercek tutulmaya çalışılacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ermenek, Sıhhat ve İçtimaiyat, 20. Yüzyıl, THE SANITARY AND SOCIAL SITATUS OF ERMENEK DISTRICT IN THE EARLY 20TH CENTURY ABSTRAACT After the loss of the First World War, the gypsies opposed the Turkish Nation in the process of liquidation of the Ottoman Empire and entered the National Struggle movement. Despite the fact that the administration of Istanbul did not accept this situation as a fate, the Turkish nation was fighting for lack of existence in every respect for the country and the country. During this arduous struggle, next to military affairs, on the one hand, education, health, business is dealing with, such as public works, was about to attempt to institutionalize the establishment of modern Turkey. Such that The Turkish Grand National Assembly has also attempted to identify the current state of the country and the nation and to create roadmaps on urgencies, needs and needs to be done. One of the steps taken in this regard is sanitary and domestic geography studies. The Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of Internal Affairs also commissioned sanitation directors to prepare a report on the districts in relation to the detection of sanitary and domestic conditions throughout the country. These reports, which have been prepared and collected in the center, have been printed and published in peyer pey books. The 8th Volume, published in 1922, covers the province of Konya and the 107-116 pages of the book cover determinations related to the Ermenek District. Ermenek's sanitary and economic status, economic and geographical structure, folklore, etc. are important information and determinations. We will try to keep a close eye on the social, economic, sanitary and cultural structure of Ermenek in the near future in the light of this information which has not been utilized as much as our business. Key words: Ermenek, Healty and Social, 20th century,

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The Sanitary and Social Status Of Ermenek District In The Early 20th Century

After the loss of the First World War, the Turkish Nation opposed the liquidation process of the victors of the Ottoman Empire and started the National Struggle movement. Although the Istanbul administration accepted this situation as fate, the Turkish nation was fighting for its homeland and independence in all respects, despite poverty. With this tough struggle, the TBMM government, besides military affairs, also dealt with education, health and public works, took steps towards institutionalization in the establishment of modern Turkey. By assessing the current situation of the country and society, they made efforts to create roadmaps for urgent needs and necessary actions. One of the important steps taken in this regard was the studies of sanitary and social geography. Umur-ı Sıhhiye ve Muavenet-i İctimaiye Vekaleti (Ministry of General Health and Social Assistance) was established as one of the ministries of the government established immediately after the opening of the Grand National Assembly on 23 April 1920. Umur-I Sıhhiye ve Muavenet-i İctimaiye Vekaleti started sanitary and social geography studies in 1921 and assigned the sanitary directors to prepare reports on their regions in order to determine the sanitary and social situation throughout the country. These reports, which were prepared and collected at the center, were printed and published in the form of books, one by one. Of these, the one about the province of Konya was published in eight volumes in 1922. Information on the subjects such as the sanitary and social situation of Konya’s Ermenek district, its economic and geographical structure, and its folklore are also given between pages 107-116 of the book. In our study, in the light of this information, which has not been sufficiently evaluated in general, it will be tried to keep a lens on the social, economic, population, sanitary and cultural structure of Ermenek in the recent past.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
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Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi