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  Atıf Sayısı 1
 Görüntüleme 68
 İndirme 12
Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal

Bu araştırmanın amacı pandemi sürecinde sınıf öğretmenlerinin ilkokuma ve yazma öğretiminde karşılaştığı sorunları ve deneyimlerini incelemektir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2020-2021 eğitim-öğretim yılında Türkiye’nin yedi coğrafi bölgesinde görev yapan 11 birinci sınıf öğretmeni oluşturmaktadır. Katılımcılara sosyal medya platformlarından ulaşılmış ve Word üzerinden hazırlanan görüşme formu çalışmaya katılmak için gönüllü olan birinci sınıf öğretmenlerine ulaştırılmıştır. Görüşme formunda, demografik bilgileri belirlemeye yönelik 5 soru dışında 8 açık uçlu soru yer almaktadır. Görüşme formu hazırlanırken uzman görüşlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Veri toplama süreci 2 hafta sürmüş ve elde edilen veriler içerik analizi ile incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın bulgularına göre, pandemi sürecinin yüz yüze eğitim döneminde sürecin kesintiye uğraması ve pandemi kuralları ilkokuma ve yazma öğretimine olumsuz yansımış ve birçok sorunu beraberinde getirmiştir. Uzaktan eğitim döneminde ise sınıf öğretmenlerinin görev yaptıkları bölgelere, okul türlerine ve kıdem yıllarına göre karşılaştığı sorunların da farklılık gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Uzaktan eğitim döneminde; teknolojik tabanlı sorunlar, öğretimsel faaliyetler ve öğretmenlerin artan sorumlulukları üzerinde bulgulara ulaşılmıştır. Bunların dışında; sosyal deneyim, etkileşimsizlik ve veli tabanlı problem yaşayan sınıf öğretmenlerinin diğer sorunları görev yaptıkları okul türüne göre farklılıklar göstermiştir. Pandemi sürecinde ilkokuma ve yazma öğretimi, imkanı ve altyapısı yeterli olan bölgeler için teknolojik bir eğitim fırsatına dönüşürken yeterli altyapı ve desteğe sahip olmayan bölgelerde fırsat eşitsizliğine yol açmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:


The purpose of this research is to explore the problems and experiences faced by classmates in primary reading and writing teaching during the pandemic process. The research work group consists of 11 first-class teachers working in the seven geographical regions of Turkey in the 2020-2021 educational year. Participants received from social media platforms and the interview form prepared through Word was delivered to first-class teachers who are volunteer to participate in the work. The interview form contains eight open end questions, except 5 questions for determining demographic information. The consultation form was used by the expert. The data collection process lasted 2 weeks and the data obtained was examined by content analysis. According to the findings of the research, the process of pandemic interruption in the face-to-face education period and the pandemic rules have been negative to the teaching of primary reading and writing and have brought many problems with it. During the period of distance learning, the problems that classmates are facing are also different according to the areas in which they work, the type of school and the years of suburbanity. During the distance learning period, findings have been made on technologically-based problems, teaching activities and the increasing responsibilities of teachers. In addition, social experience, incompatibility, and other problems of classmates who experience a parent-based problem have shown differences according to the type of school in which they work. In the pandemic process, the teaching of primary reading and writing has led to uneven opportunities in areas with not sufficient infrastructure and support, while becoming a technological education opportunity for areas with sufficient capacity and infrastructure.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Opinions Of Clasroom Teachers On The Problems Encountered In Primary Reading and Writing Teaching In The Pandemic Process

The aim of this research is to examine the problems and experiences faced by classroom teachers in the first literacy and writing teaching during the pandemic process. The study group consists of 11 first-year teachers working in seven geographical regions of Turkey in the 2020-2021 academic year. Participants were reached through social media platforms and the interview form prepared through Word was delivered to the first-year teachers who volunteered to participate in the study. The interview form contains 8 open-ended questions, with the exception of 5 questions for determining demograpgic information. While preparing the interview form experts opinions were used. The data collection process lasted 2 weeks and the data obtained were examined by content analysis. According to the findings of the study, interruption of the process during the face-to face education period of the pandemic process and Pandemic rules reflected negatively on primary education and writing teaching and brought many problems. It has been found that the problems faced by classroom teachers according to the regions, school types and seriority years they serve also differ during the distance education period. During the distance education period; findings have been made on technologically based on problems, educational activities and increasing responsibilities of teachers. Apart from these social experience, non-interaction and other problems of classroom teachers who experienced parent-based problems differed according to the type of school they served in. Primary education and Writing Teaching it has become a technological educational opportunity for regions with sufficient facilities and infrastructure, while it has led to inequality of opportunity in regions that do not have sufficient infrastructure and support during the pandemic process.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar
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Benzer Makaleler

Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal

Alan :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 1.471
Atıf : 449
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal