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Birçok kaynakça da atıflar "Soyad, İ" olarak gösterildiği için özellikle Soyad ve isminin baş harfi aynı olan akademisyenlerin atıfları zaman zaman karışabilmektedir. Bu sorun tüm dünyadaki atıf dizinlerinin sıkça karşılaştığı bir sorundur.
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  Atıf Sayısı 106
 Görüntüleme 17
Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi

The aim of this study was to compare the difference between balance the parameters of active soccer players and sedentary volunteers of healthy volunteers, 20 were assigned to soccer players group and 20 to a control group. Volunteers were selected from among the subject who are all male aged from 18 to 25 (mean: 21.4±1.3) and have no complaints about cardiovascular, respiratory and neurologic system. Postural sway was measured using of a force platform subject standing on which bipedal and unipedal, eyes open and closed. The test was performed with the shoes off. The total duration of the test was 180 seconds. Balance parameters were compared between soccer players group and control group. The measured values were statistically evaluated with a significant level (p<0,05) on the anterior-posterior and mediallateral axis separetely according to maximum velocity, maximum acceleration, dominat frequency peak values and fractal dimension. In conclution, data analysis revealed that there were significant differences between groups when maximum velocity and maximum acceleration were compared. Soccer players group had a lower maximum velocity and maximum acceleration than those in the control groups at all positions. There was also a significant difference at fractal dimension values at all positions in terms of maximum velocity and maximum acceleration (p<0.05). There was a statistically significant difference at the frequency component of the sway on medial-lateral axis in terms of dominat frequency peak values (p<0.05)

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Evaluation of the different balance parameters of active football players

The aim of this study was to compare the difference between the balance the parameters of active soccer players and sedentary volunteers of healthy volunteers, 20 were assigned to soccer players group and 20 to a control group. Volunteers were selected from among the subject who are all male aged from 18 to 25 (mean: 21.4±1.3) and have no complaints about the cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological system. Postural sway was measured using of a force platform subject standing on which bipedal and unipedal, eyes open and closed. The test was performed with the shoes off. The total duration of the test was 180 seconds. Balance parameters were compared between soccer players group and control group. The measured values were statistically evaluated with a significant level (p<0,05) on the anterior-posterior and mediallateral axis separately according to maximum speed, maximum acceleration, dominate frequency peak values and fractal dimension. In conclusion, data analysis revealed that there were significant differences between groups when maximum speed and maximum acceleration were compared. Soccer players group had a lower maximum speed and maximum acceleration than those in the control groups at all positions. There was also a significant difference at fractal dimension values at all positions in terms of maximum speed and maximum acceleration (p<0.05). There was a statistically significant difference at the frequency component of the sway on medial-lateral axis in terms of dominate frequency peak values (p<0.05)

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi

Alan :   Sağlık Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 6.576
Atıf : 22.281
Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı

Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi