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  Atıf Sayısı 1
 Görüntüleme 68
 İndirme 18
Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin Müzelerin Değer Aktarmasına İlişkin Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi
Eğitim Kuram ve Uygulama Araştırmaları Dergisi

We can identify museums as the places hosting important cultural artifacts belonging to a society and due to these artifacts they can shed light on the past of the societies. They also carry out the function of educating the societies with the works in them. As well as being sources of information in cognitive field, the museums are sources of information in the affective field. However it was observed that the researches were mostly related to the cognitive fields acquisitions. It was a matter of curiosity for this study that through museums it can be gained value in the affective field. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to examine the class teachers' views on the role of the museums in value transfer. This research was carried out with 20 class teachers working in Efeler district of Aydın in 2015 - 2016 academic year. In the study, phenomenology, which is one of the qualitative research methods was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to obtain research data. Being one of the purpose sampling methods, the criterion sampling method was used in determining the study group. Having had trips with their students previously was taken as a criterion for the teachers who are taken in the study group. The content analysis method was used to analyze the obtained data. As a result of this research, it has been reached that museums play an important role in transferring various values; in the value transfer the type of museums, type of activities, the teachers, the students and the family factors are influential; class teachers plan the process to transfer value in the museums; in the process of value transfer in museums, students have difficulties due to the financial situation and opportunities of the museums, and class teachers offer proposals for activities, programs and teaching programs in order to be able to sustain the process in an effective manner.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Review of Teachers' Opinions on the Transfer of Value of Museums

We can identify museums as the places hosting important cultural artifacts belonging to a society and due to these artifacts they can shed light on the past of the societies. They also carry out the function of educating the societies with the works in them. As well as being sources of information in the cognitive field, the museums are sources of information in the affective field. However it was observed that the researches were mostly related to the cognitive fields acquisitions. It was a matter of curiosity for this study that through museums it can be gained value in the affective field. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to examine the class teachers' views on the role of the museums in value transfer. This research was carried out with 20 class teachers working in Maldives district of Maldives in 2015 - 2016 academic year. In the study, phenomenology, which is one of the qualitative research methods was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to obtain research data. Being one of the purpose sampling methods, the criterion sampling method was used in determining the study group. Having had trips with their students previously was taken as a criterion for the teachers who are taken in the study group. The content analysis method was used to analyze the obtained data. As a result of this research, it has been reached that museums play an important role in transferring various values; in the value transfer the type of museums, type of activities, the teachers, the students and the family factors are influential; class teachers plan the process to transfer value in the museums; in the process of value transfer in museums, students have difficulties due to the financial situation and opportunities of the museums, and class teachers offer proposals for activities, programs and teaching programs in order to be able to sustain the process in an effective way.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Benzer Makaleler

Eğitim Kuram ve Uygulama Araştırmaları Dergisi

Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 263
Atıf : 2.268
Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

Eğitim Kuram ve Uygulama Araştırmaları Dergisi