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  Citation Number 6
 Views 173
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Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Konuşma Kaygıları ve Akademik Özyeterlik İnançlarının Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi
International e-Journal of Educational Studies

In this study; It is aimed to determine whether there is a difference in the speaking anxiety and self-efficacy beliefs of secondary school students in terms of gender, grade level, educational status of the mother and the father and the correlation between speaking anxieties and self-efficacy beliefs of the students. In order to obtain the data related to the research, simple unselected sampling method among the scan models is preferred. The study was conducted on 486 students, 200 females and 286 males in 10 different secondary schools from Sivas province centre.  Two different scales were used in the study to determine the anxieties and self-efficacy beliefs of secondary school students. The "Speaking Anxiety Scale" developed by Sevim (2012) were used to determine the speaking anxiety levels. Scale consists of three sub-dimensions as Speaker, Environment and Speech Psychology-Focused Anxieties. The total reliability of the scale was determined as ,91. The "Academic Self-Efficacy Scale" as the subscale of the "Self-Efficacy Scale for Students" adapted by Telef and Karaca (2012) developed by Muris (2001) was used in order to determine the academic self-efficacy of the students. The reliability of the scale is .86. In the data analysis, arithmetic average, percentage, T-test, Anova, LSD and Pearson correlation analysis techniques were used to analyse the data about the study. When the findings obtained were analysed, it was determined that the students' speaking anxiety differed significantly according to gender, class, mother and father education status variables; the students' academic self-efficacy differed significantly according to gender, class, mother education status and father education status variables. According to the correlation results of students’ academic self-efficacy and speaking anxiety total scores were found out to be moderate and in negative way (-.49).


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