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  Atıf Sayısı 2
 Görüntüleme 100
 İndirme 23
Examining of relation between emotional intelligence levels and professional burnout levels of Physical Education Teachers
International Journal of Sport, Exercise & Training Sciences - IJSETS

Aim: In this study, it is aimed to examining the relation between emotional intelligence levels and professional burnout levels of physical education teachers. Material and Methods: Population of the study consists of staff of the Ministry of Education who works at the central district in Mugla and its sample consists of 269 volunteer physical education teachers. The original of this scale is the scale consisting of 12 items which was developed from the 33 item work of Schutte et al., (2006). Answers were graded in terms of 5 point likert. Reliability (Cronbach Alpha=0.82-0.86) of this scale was found high in the research of Chan. Aslan and Ozata (2008) have applied the same scale on health employees and it was found that the questionnaire which was set up in total of 4 dimensions in Chan’s (2004-2006) work was perceived under four dimensions and 12 items as it was in its original as an outcome of the factor analysis. 22 item Maslach Burnout Inventory-MBI, which was developed by Maslach and Jackson (1981), shall be used to evaluate the burnout levels of the participants. Turkish adaptation of MBI was prepared by Ergin (1992) and the validity and reliability work of the scale in teacher sample was first made by Girgin (1995) and Sucuoglu and Kuloglu (1996) separately. Answers were graded in terms of 5 point likert. The statistical applications of the work were carried out in SPSS.15.00 program and percent frequency and t-test for groups of two and One-Way Anova test, correlation (r statistics) to compare the groups of more than two were applied. Results: According to analysis results, it is observed that the emotional intelligence levels and profession burnout levels of physical education teachers not significantly vary depending on age, gender, marital status and years of professional experience variable. A negative relation was discovered between emotional intelligence levels and burnout levels of physical education teachers (p<0.01, r=-0.28). Conclusion: The higher the emotional intelligence levels of physical education teachers, the lower their burnout levels.

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Benzer Makaleler

International Journal of Sport, Exercise & Training Sciences - IJSETS

Alan :   Spor Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 211
Atıf : 718
International Journal of Sport, Exercise & Training Sciences - IJSETS