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  Citation Number 2
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Bingöl Araştırmaları Dergisi

Şeyh Ahmed Çapakçurî, 1830 tarihinde Bingöl merkeze 20 km. mesafede bulunan Kur (Dikme) köyünde dünyaya gelmiştir. Çocukluğunda dini bilgilere kaşı ilgi duymaya başlayınca, babası, aldığı manevî bir işaret üzerine onu Palu’ya Şeyh Ali Sebti Hazretleri’nin yanına götürmüş. Şeyh Ali Sebti’nin kontrolünde ilim ve tarikat eğitimini bitirip, her iki alanda da icazet almış, hayatının bundan sonraki kısmını, öğrendiği ilimlerle amel edip insanlara faydalı olmaya vakfetmiştir. Şeyhinin vefatından sonra uzun bir müddet Elazığ Harput’ta ikamet etmiş, bu süre içerisinde hem ibadetle meşgul olmuş, hem de irşad faaliyetlerinde bulunmuştur. Bir dönem Urfa’nın Siverek ve Viranşehir ilçelerinde kalmış, Birinci Dünya Savaşı yıllarında tekrar Harput’a dönmüş ve vefatına kadar burada ikamet etmiştir. Bu ve benzeri faaliyetlerinin yanında, ömrünün sonlarına doğru, gördüğü bir rüya üzerine kendisine mektup yazarak intisab etmek isteyen Kastamonulu Hattatzâde Muhammed İhsan Oğuz Efendi’yi, yazdığı mektuplarla irşad etmiştir. Şeyh efendi, yazdığı mektuplarda, müridine nasıl hareket edeceğini, hangi zikirleri ne kadar çekmesi gerektiğini, yaşadığı bazı manevî halleri, gördüğü rüyaları, tarikatta tevbe, rabıta, zikir, murakabe, nefis mertebeleri ve bunların özellikleri ile ilgili pek çok hususu izah etmiştir. Bu mektuplarla İhsan Oğuz seyr u sülûkünü tamamlamış ve icazetnamesini almıştır. Bu şekilde Halidî-Nakşi yolu Muhammed İhsan Oğuz vasıtası ile Kastamonu ve çevresinde yayılmıştır.


anythingh ahmed bucquard and parashade with letter

ar ensheikh ahmad chapakchury was bathed in the village of tamper at a distance of 20 km from bingöl city center in 1830 as he started to be interested in the religius knowledge of his father took a secret to sheikh ali sabti in palu upon a spiritual sign after his science and turika spiritual path education under the control of sheikh ali sabti he received an ijaza permission to practice tarika in these two then expressed in the privileged life of the tribution of the tribution of the tribute to the tribution of the tribution of the verse to the quest of the time of the tribution of the tribute to the tribution of the tribution of the tribution of the verse to the tribute to the tribute to the tribute to the tribute to the quest of the verse to the verse to the verse to the verse to the quest of the verse to the verse to the verse to the verse to the verse to the verse to the verse to the verse to the


Sheikh Ahmad Chapakchury and A Case Of Irshad By Letter

Sheikh Ahmad Chapakchury was born in the village of Kur (Dikme) at a distance of 20 km from Bingöl city centre in 1830. As he started to be interested in religious knowledge, his father took him to Sheikh Ali Sabti in Palu upon a spiritual sign. After completing his science and tariqa (spiritual path) education under the control of Sheikh Ali Sabti, he received an ijaza (permission to practice tariqa) in these two fields. Then, he dedicated his remaining life to his sheikh’s death, he resided for a long time in Harput, Elazığ. Within this period, he was occupied with praying and do ershad (Islamic guidance) at the same time. In a term, he stayed in Siverek and Viranşehir districts of Urfa. He returned to Harput in the years of World War I, and resided there until his death. In addition to these and other similar activities, he did irshad by writing letter for Hattatzadah Muhammad Ihsan Oğuz Effendi from Kastamonu who expressed his willingness to be attached with him upon a dream the latter had in the last part of his life. Sheikh Effendi explained his moreed (disciple) how to act, which and how many dhikrs (remembrance of Allah) to recite, some spiritual events he experienced, some dreams he had, a lot of issue related to tawba (repentance), rabita, dhikr, muraqabah (Islamic meditation), ego levels and its specialties. Ihsan Oğuz completed his sayr suluk (spiritual journey) by these letters and received his ijazatnama (permission certificate). By this way, Khalidi-Naqshi path spread around Kastamonu by means of Muhammad Ihsan Oğuz.


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