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  Atıf Sayısı 6
 Görüntüleme 115
 İndirme 33
Yaratıcı Drama ve Orff-Schulwerk Uygulamalarının Müzik Dersine Yönelik Tutumlar Üzerindeki Etkileri
İlköğretim Online

This research aims to reveal the effects of creative drama and Orff Schulwerk applications on the attitude of 4th class primary school students towards the music lesson. Research is performed with quasi experimental model of control grouped pre-test final test. The 4th class students of Antalya constitute the participants of the research in the academic year of 2014 – 2015. Test and control groups were formed by drawing lots from among the students of the classes of 4-A, 4-B and 4-C. Accordingly, class of 4-C (n=15) was identified as test 1 group where musical education was performed with creative drama method, class of 4-B (n=16) as test 2 group where musical education was performed with Orff Schulwerk approach, whereas class of 4 A (n=16) as control group. The lectures in the control group were performed with the activities selected from the 4th class musical teacher’s guide book. Lecture plans of the test groups were prepared by the researcher and expert opinion was asked. Music lessons of each of the three groups were taught by the researcher. Implementations were performed as 1 lecture hour per week for 8 weeks. Attitude Scale Regarding Music Lesson (Özmenteş, 2005) was applied to each of the three groups before and after the implementations. After data analysis it was observed that the attitudes of the students towards the music lesson differentiate according to the method. 

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İlköğretim Online
İlköğretim Online