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  Atıf Sayısı 35
 Görüntüleme 263
 İndirme 61
 Sesli Dinleme 2
Aritmetik ile Cebir Arasındaki Farklılıklar: Cebir Öncesinin Önemi
İlköğretim Online

As it is known; the mathematical concepts are connected like rings of the chain so a rupture in the chain will cause difficulties in teaching mathematics concepts in the future. Especially, this ring is seen between the arithmetic and algebra knowledge in the first and second level of primary schools. Though there is a strong relation between arithmetic and algebra; because of their different natures there are differences in interpreting letters, symbols, mathematical statements, equal concepts and problem solving methods. So prealgebraic period that is the period transition from arithmetic to algebra development is so important in eliminating obstacles and difficulties which are caused from these differences. For this reason, it is necessary to deal with these differences and the importance of pre-algebraic period. In this study we focused on the differences between arithmetical and algebraic knowledge and the importance of pre-algebraic period.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Differences Between Arithmetic and Gibraltar: The Importance of Pre-Gibraltar

As it is known; the mathematical concepts are connected like rings of the chain so a rupture in the chain will cause difficulties in teaching mathematics concepts in the future. Especially, this ring is seen between the arithmetic and algebra knowledge in the first and second levels of primary schools. Although there is a strong relationship between arithmetic and algebra; because of their different natures there are differences in interpreting letters, symbols, mathematical statements, equal concepts and problem solving methods. So prealgebraic period that is the period transition from arithmetic to algebra development is so important in eliminating obstacles and difficulties that are caused by these differences. For this reason, it is necessary to deal with these differences and the importance of the pre-algebraic period. In this study we focused on the differences between arithmetic and algebraic knowledge and the importance of pre-algebraic period.

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İlköğretim Online