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 Sesli Dinleme 2
II. Uluslararası Multidisipliner Çalışmaları Kongresi

From the 1950’s, the production volume of the global capture fisheries increased day by day by strengthening the fishing fleet and catch per unit effort. The amount of fish provided from the total fisheries has fallen since the 1980s and there has been a stagnation in the amount of fish that can be caught. And in order to meet the demand for food from a growing population, aquaculture has started to be seen as an alternative way. Aquaculture can be defined as the production of aquatic organisms under controlled conditions, including fish, molluscs, crustaceans and water plants. Nowadays, aquaculture has become one of the fastest growing sectors in many developed and developing countries. In 2014, 70.5 million tonnes of fish and 26.1 million tonnes of algae were produced through aquaculture systems. Predictions prognosticate that aquaculture in Europe will reach 4 million tonnes by 2030. Diseases are one of the most important factors that cause economic damage in aquaculture. Diseases can reduce reproductive performance in aquatic organisms, adversely affect feed conversion efficiency and reduce the growth and overall performance of cultured fish Some diseases can have an impact not only on farms, but also on the level of threats to the sector. In this sector, the use of antibiotics has become the most important administer to overcome these problems as grown species are exposed to infections caused by various disease agents as well as bacteria. However, intensive use of antibiotics in aquatic environments have been detected to cause significant problems for animal and human health as well as ecological implications. In order to overcome the environmental and health risks caused by antibiotics, various methods such as vaccination, phage treatment and immunity improving diets are being tested. As an alternative to antibiotics, organic compounds produced from plants have also begun to be used. In this study, antibiotic use in aquaculture will be discussed in terms of human and animal health and environment.

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Benzer Makaleler

II. Uluslararası Multidisipliner Çalışmaları Kongresi
II. Uluslararası Multidisipliner Çalışmaları Kongresi