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Dinî Münasebetler Çerçevesinde Osmanlı Devleti'nde Toplumsal Çatışma: Rum-Ermeni Toplumu Örneği (XIX. Yüzyıl) / According to Religious Relations the Social Conflict in Ottoman State: Example of Greek- Armenian Society (XIX. Century)
Şarkiyat Mecmuası

Non-Muslim nations living in the Ottoman Empire, had equal rights for the state. As a part of the concept of zımmî, the securing lives and property of all nations had to be provided by the state. The Greeks and the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire took advantage of this status throughout their lives and there had never been any serious problems of the state in this * Yrd. Doç. Dr., İnönü Üniversitesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi, İslam Tarihi Anabilim Dalı, ([email protected]).regard. However, among the non-Muslim people of the Greeks and the Armenians, observed that some problems, the origin of dating back centuries. Sometimes political, but in general the religious and social problems were solved by the state but some different approaches to the ideological conflicts between the two nations could not been able to eliminate completely. In the same way the political problems between the Greeks and the Ottoman State, spread to the Armenians at the time and then the Armenians have become problematic due to the Greek state. In our study, the process of the historical relations between Greeks and Armenians is mentioned and in XIX. century, the course of the conflict between the Greek and the Armenian nations that living in the Ottoman Empire, have been demonstrated with examples. This study is, prepared on the basis of sources and archive documents and will demonstrate approach to the non-Muslims by the Ottoman Empire.


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