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  Citation Number 2
 Views 118
 Downloands 36
2005 -2012 Yılları Arasında Teknoloji Destekli Fen Eğitimi Alanında Yapılan Bilimsel Araştırmaların Analizi
Journal of Computer and Education Research

This study analyzes the distribution of scientific researches made on technology-assisted science education in Turkey between 2005-2012 by years in terms of type of publication, sample group, research design, data collection tools, the scientific subject used in the content and education material. The study examines the scientific researches made on technology-assisted science education and aims to detect the shortcomings in this field and to guide future researches with the resulting data. The study uses case study design which is a qualitative research design. The universe of the study consists of articles, doctorate and master theses published on technology-assisted science education between the years 2005-2012. For this purpose, articles published in refereed journals reviewed from Ulakbim (Turkish National Academic Network and Information Center) Social Sciences Data Base and master and doctorate theses published by Council of Higher Education Thesis Search Center were included in the research. As for data collection method, documentary analysis was used. For the analysis of data, content analysis was used and the results were presented in percentages and frequency values. As a result of the research, it was found out that majority of the researches on technology-assisted science education were published in the form of master thesis; the subjects studied most were “Systems in our Body” for biology, “structure and properties of matter” for chemistry, “Light and Sound” for physics and the biggest sample groups were in researches which were conducted on secondary school students. While the researches were generally similar in terms of research design and data collection tools, they were different in terms of the technology-assisted education materials they used. Thus, it is important for future researches on technology-assisted science education to be designed by taking different sample groups and different subjects into consideration for a qualified science education.


analysis of scientific research conducted in the field of technology-supported pheno training between 2005 and 2012

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