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  Atıf Sayısı 6
 Görüntüleme 108
 İndirme 38
Neoliberalizmin Laboratuvarında Direniş: Şili Kışı’nın Penguenleri
Mülkiye Dergisi

The student movement of the 2006 and 2011 that arose in Chile, the country where neoliberal economic theories were first applied, is one of the most important processes of social mobilization in Latin America in the last decade. Neoliberal reforms that were principally imposed under Pinochet, and then reshaped by the “acuerdos politics” of the center-left coalition (Concertación) governments led to a radical and painful process of social transformation. Neoliberal policies were adopted throughout Latin America subsequent to the 1982 debt crisis, whereas the neoliberal restructuring had already been deepening and extending in Chile. Despite the failure of neoliberal policies that caused Latin America to be the most unequal region in the world, Chile has been considered as an exceptional case of neoliberal success in the Global South, and was regarded as a role model among the Latin American countries. Chile as one of South America’s most stable and prosperous nations has considerably high rates of competitive power and per capita income, and one of the lowest rates of corruption and crime among the countries in the region. However the student movement that led to Penguin Revolution in 2006 and Chilean Winter in 2011, revealed the social inequality and injustice behind the high and stable rates of growth. This paper aims to discuss the effects of the neoliberal experiment in Chile from the point of the student movement, and analyze this movement in the context of post-neoliberal transformation process in Latin America. The struggle against to neoliberal education reform of high school students, also called “Penguins” for the color of their school uniform, achieved to mobilize many segments of Chilean society against the neoliberal project during the Chilean Winter of 2011. By considering the Chilean Winter as a result of “neoliberal spring”, the article aims to examine the improvement process of the student movement

Anahtar Kelimeler:

the penguins of the winter of resistance in the laboratory of neoliberalism

the student movement of the 2006 and 2011 education that arose in chile the country where neliberal economics were first applied to one of the most important processes of social mobileization in latin america in the last years neoliberal reforms that were determined by the leadership of the change of the movement of the latvian change in the movement of the latvians in the latvians of the latvians of the latvians in the russian federation of the russian federation in the russian federation of the latvians of the latvians of the latvians of the latvians of the latvians of the latvians of the latvians of the latvians of the latvians in the latvians of the latvians of the latvians of the latvians of the latvians of the latvians in the latvians of the latvians in the latvians of the latvians of the latvians of the latvians of the latvians in the latvians in the latvians of the latvians in the latvians of the latvians in the latvians of the latvians of the latvians of the latvians in the latvians in the latvians of the latvians in the latvians of the latvians of the latvians in the latvians in the latvians of the latvian

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Mülkiye Dergisi
Mülkiye Dergisi