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 Görüntüleme 91
 İndirme 26
18. Yüzyılda Kandiye’nin Tamiri ve Limanın Temizliğine Dair Bazı Tespitler
Mavi Atlas

Crete had been a cradle for various civilization since the Ancient Times. It became a focal point for Ottoman Empire when their naval was strenghened in the 16th century. In the 17th century, Sultan Ibrahim had decided to make a campaign to Crete. In 1645, Crete campaign started with the capture of Chania but ended in 1669 Mehmet IV’s Grand Vizier Fazıl Mustafa Pasha’s success that obligated to surrender city of Heraklion. Heraklion became the capital of the Crete Province. Heraklion which was a greater city than Chania and Rethymno and has a natural harbour became more important. After the conquest Ottomans have started to public improvement and inhabiting. Place of worships like churches converted to the mosque and repairing of the wrecked buildings had become at the top of agenda. The first repairment of Heraklion had been done by Grand Vizier Fazıl Mustafa Pasha due to order Mehmed IV. In the 18th century, buildings, ramprats and harbour had affected from cold winters, wave erosions an earthquakes and became disrepaired. Thereupon, Governor of Crete, Commander of Heraklion, Representative of the Imperial Architecture Union and (Hassa Mimar halifesi), and kadı and a beadle who came from Istanbul have determined the disrepaired places and total expenses. They prepared an examination registry (muayene defteri) and sent to the Istanbul. So that Ottomans sent some constructors, workmen, and unavaible materials to Crete. In our study, we will examine the 18th century’s reparation in Crete according to keşif (reconnaissance) and muayene (examination) registiries.

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Benzer Makaleler
Mavi Atlas
Mavi Atlas