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  Citation Number 2
 Views 64
 Downloands 20
Trabzon’da Kaybolan Bir Kültür Öğesi: Geleneksel Ahşap Beşik
Mavi Atlas

The cradle has been used in Turkish culture from time immemorial. The main purpose of cradle is accelerating the baby’s sleep, protecting him from external injuries, and helping his relief during sleeping by swinging it. The range of the cradles varies according to technological developments, traditions, customs, and life conditions. In Turkish society, wooden cradle has been used commonly for years. Especially, they are preferred in countryside because of being portable and practical. However; the usage of wooden cradles has decreased almost nonexistent due to changing both living conditions and modern cradles. The wooden cradles which are the subject of this study have become handicraft in Trabzon as in lots of places of Anatolia. Especially Köprübaşı distinct has a very suitable geography for developing of handicrafts. In Köprübaşı, handicrafts like cradle, kemancha, spoon, and basket have been still done. In this article, firstly some information is given about the description of cradle, historical developments, then making of cradle in the area is researched and lastly verbal culture elements about the cradle are included. The cradle, which has an important role in connecting both past and present like other handicrafts, is worth to be lived and researched with its traditions and verbal culture.


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