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Birçok kaynakça da atıflar "Soyad, İ" olarak gösterildiği için özellikle Soyad ve isminin baş harfi aynı olan akademisyenlerin atıfları zaman zaman karışabilmektedir. Bu sorun tüm dünyadaki atıf dizinlerinin sıkça karşılaştığı bir sorundur.
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  Atıf Sayısı 4
 Görüntüleme 182
 İndirme 33
Resulullah Döneminde Kadın ve Kadın Eğitimi
Dini Araştırmalar

Women are being abused and humiliated the most in history.. Since Ancient Greek thought, it was generally understood that woman is a creature that inferior, worthless, and a disgrace in many societies. Women in the period before Islam, it is treated like a normal shop, it was bought and sold. It seems that this situation also continued through the Arabian society in which the Prophet Muhammad lived. When we consider the position of woman in society it is an indication of woman’s value and we must determine the general position of woman in society in order to show how Islam cherishes woman. Education appears to be one of these fields. How woman played a role in the field of training and education in the time of Prophet Muhammad is mentioned as a main topic in this study. The underlying attitude and viewpoint of Islam regarding woman is presented by examples from verses, hadiths, and application of Prophet Muhammad. Islam has started to build a new world sense that presents woman as valued humans. Reflection of this sense is seen in the education field.  The period of the Prophet, women found its place in all areas of society, espeically in education and training field began to take place. No distinction was made with regard to training and education between women and men and it’s benefit. The Prophet allocated special areas for women's education at the same time on special occasions he would give them undivided attention. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), appointed educated women in various places and gave them social roles.    

Anahtar Kelimeler:

women and women's education during the period of resuance

women are being abused and humiliated the most in history since ancient greek thught pushed to generally accessible that woman is a creature that inferior worthless and a disgrace in many communities in the period ago wetlam pushed treatment like a normal shop was it expected to stay in the main thing that this situation is also necessary to change the median society in which is accompanied by an attempt to change when we consider the position of woman in society is understand of woman's value and need to determine the overall education in search of change in the change of education in the change of the change of the change of the role of women's change in the search of change in the change of change to change in the change of education of the change in the change in the search of the change in the change of change of education of change of change to change in the change in the change of the implementation of change of change in the change in the change of the change of the change of the change of the change of the change of the change of the change in the change of the change of the change of the change of the change of the change of the change of the change of education of education of change in the change in the change of

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