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 Görüntüleme 114
 İndirme 30
Examining Pre-Service Primary School Teachers' Experiences in the Idea of Transitivity / Sınıf Öğretmenliği Öğrencilerinin Geçişlilik Düşüncesi İle İlgili Deneyimlerinin İncelenmesi
Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama

This research, which was conducted to examine Pre-service Primary School Teachers’ experiences and activities about development of the idea of transitivity in children within the mathematics teaching course, was carried out with 22 third grade students who have been studying at Classroom teaching degree program of a state university in 2011/2012 academic year. The Students who participated in this research were wanted to carry out problem situations that transitivity of thinking given to them by the researchers and information that they learn about the idea of transitivity teaching within the “Mathematics Teaching II” course and course of School Experience. Processes of practice were recorded through video camera. They were wanted to transfer in written experiences that were gained at end of the practice and opinions about these experiences. The research data were analyzed using content analysis. The findings belong with their experiences that were gained in their practices about transitivity thought of Pre-service teachers were presented by classifying that Approaches to the solution of questions of students, pre-service teachers followed paths in case students cannot reach a solution and affecting factors according to the teachers' thinking solutions. The observations of pre-service teachers in the process revealed findings that problems related with length have been solved by the students more comfortable and that the problem situations created with real-life situations provides learning more permanent.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

examining preservice primary school teachers039 experiences in the ıdea of transitivity 047 class teacher review of students’ experiences related to transitional thought

research this was conducted to examine preservice primary teachers school’ experiences and activities of the idea of transitivity in children about the teaching course was distributed ut with 22 third grade students who have been studying at classrum teaching degree program of a state university in 20110472012 academic year the students who worked in this research were asked to carry problems that transitivity of thinking given them by the logic and information that they learn abut the idea of transitivity teaching in the “mathematics teaching services education in transit to programs in the implementation of experiments in real learning experience in the problems of the problems of learning experience in the key experiences in the positive experience of the problems of the learning experience of the results of the experience of the results of the experience of the experience of the assessment of the implementation of the experience of the alternative experience of the problems of learning experience of the results of the results of the results of the experience of the implementation of the assessment of the assessment of the assessment of the assessment of the assessment of the experience of the experience of the assessment of the results of the experience of the results of the experience of the experience of the problems of the results of the results of the implementation of the implementation of the support of the support of the experience of the

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Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama
Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama