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Secondary school reading habit scale: Validity and reliability study / Ortaokul kitap okuma alışkanlığı ölçeği: Geçerlik güvenirlik çalışması
Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama

Reading is expressed as the basic language skill that most contributes to the intellectual and emotional development. Therefore, reading habits should be perceived by individuals as a lifelong requirement and they must be maintained regularly. In this study, it has been aimed to develop a scale to determine reading habits of students in middle school. In the development stage of the scale, initial items were prepared and experts were consulted through pilot study after the teacher candidates were consulted and the relevant literature about reading habits was reviewed. The 5-point Likert-type scale with 38 items was administrated on 1002 students in five secondary schools in the city center of Canakkale. As a result of the analyses, the value of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) was found as 0.90 and significance value of Bartlett Test of Sphericity was found as 0.00 (p<0.05), respectively. The exploratory factor analysis was performed in order to determine the construct validity of Middle School Reading Habits Scale (OKOAÖ) developed within the scope of the study. As a result of the factor analysis, it has been seen that the scale developed has a structure that consists of three factors (Reflection of Books into Skills, The Relationship Established with Books, Having a Manner of Telling Originated from Books). Cronbach’s Alpha value was calculated to determine the internal consistency. As a result of the analysis performed, Cronbach's Alpha value was found as 0.86 for 15 items. The reliability coefficient values equal or greater to 0.70 are considered as reliable. Therefore, this indicates that “Middle School Reading Habits Scale” is a reliable scale


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