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  Citation Number 7
 Views 74
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İkili Karşılaştırmalar Yargılarına ve Sıralama Yargılarına Dayalı Ölçekleme Yaklaşımlarının Karşılaştırılması
Eğitimde ve Psikolojide Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Dergisi

This study aims to provide an insight into the scaling model used in social sciences and to determine whether the two scaling method produces similar results based on the judgements decision. The study conducted 194 preservice teachers in the department of Science Teacher Education at Hacettepe University. The scaling procedure was conducted to get scaling values for pair-wise comparison and ranking judgment on the collected data. The Spearmen-rho correlation coefficient which was calculated to examine the consistency between the scale values was found 0,09 at a 0,05 significance level and this value was not significant (r=0.09, p>0.05). Based on these findings, these two scaling approaches didn’t produce similar conclusions so it can be said that attention should be paid to the selected scaling methods and assumptions in study of scaling


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