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Bartın Üniversitesi İslami İlimler Fakültesi Dergisi

In the thought of Islam; God's entity, the universe and human subjects are constantly examined together. In this context, it can be said that the related subjects are related to each other. With reference to this, it is aimed to examine the views about these subjects together in this study. In Islamic thought, the entity and characteristics of God are evaluated in the framework of Müşebbihe-Muscessime, Jahmiyye-Mutezile, Shia and the Followers of Sunnah. As the description of the universe, it is evaluated in the framework of thought Cafer Sadik, Kindi, Abu Bakr, Zakariya Razi, Farabi, Ghazali and Ibn Rushd. Another issue mentioned in the article is the matter of value attributed to man. At this point, it has been tried to emphasize the value of human being, the protection of man's human qualification and the importance of philosophical thought.


a review of allah’s zest adjectives on verse and human opinion

ın the thught of kelam god039s entity the universe and humankind are trying together examining this context is said that the related attributes are related to each other with reference to this push is important to examine the views abut these qualification together in this other study ın peslamic thught the entity and characteristics of god are subject of the framework of the muslimhemuscessime jahmiyyemutezile shia and the knife of sunnah as the description of the universe pushed in the cafe value of the cafe value of the manmark of the manmarks of the manmarks of the cafe in the name of the manmark of the manmarks of the name of the manmark of the manmarks of the manmark of the manmark of the manmarks of the name of the name of the manmarks of the manmarks of the manior of the creation of the name of the manmarks of the cafe value of the manmark of the manmarks of the manmarks of the manmarks of the manmarks of the manior of the manior of the name of the manior of the manior


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Field :   Eğitim Bilimleri; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 232
Cite : 1.063
Basic Field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Basic Field of Educational Sciences

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