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  Atıf Sayısı 18
 Görüntüleme 83
 İndirme 46
Fen Ve Teknoloji Öğretmenlerinin Ölçme-Değerlendirmede Kavram Haritası Kullanım Durumları
Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education

Abstract enScience and Technology Teachers’ Uses of Concept Maps for Measurement-Evaluation. The significance of measurement and evaluation in the learning process has been reflected in all phases of the educational process. In this study, it was intended to analyse the usage of concept map by science teachers in the assessment process. The sample of this qualitative research was conducted with 29 science and technology teachers who were employed in Kastamonu City. The data were collected by structured questions aiming at revealing the teachers' perspectives towards the concept maps, and two different concept maps which were structured to assess the aspects of concept map scoring. The obtained data were analysed with descriptive and content analysis methods. Even though the findings revealed that teachers consider concept maps as an effective technique and use concept maps in lessons; they have lack of knowledge and practice. In the light of the findings, it was concluded that science and technology teachers were deficient on using concept maps in the measurement and evaluation process. In this regard, it is recommended that the teachers be informed and trained through in-service courses about both theoretical and practical knowledge required in employing concept maps in educational applications.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Science and Technology Teachers' Concept Map Use Conditions in Measurement-Evaluation

Abstract enScience and Technology Teachers' Uses of Concept Maps for Measurement-Evaluation. The significance of measurement and evaluation in the learning process has been reflected in all stages of the educational process. In this study, it was intended to analyze the use of the concept map by science teachers in the assessment process. The sample of this qualitative research was conducted with 29 science and technology teachers who were employed in the city of Castamonu. The data were collected by structured questions aiming at revealing the teachers' perspectives towards the concept maps, and two different concept maps which were structured to assess the aspects of concept map scoring. The obtained data were analyzed with descriptive and content analysis methods. Even though the findings revealed that teachers consider concept maps as an effective technique and use concept maps in lessons; they have lack of knowledge and practice. In light of the findings, it was concluded that science and technology teachers were deficient on using concept maps in the measurement and evaluation process. In this regard, it is recommended that the teachers be informed and trained through in-service courses about both theoretical and practical knowledge required in employing concept maps in educational applications.

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Benzer Makaleler

Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education
Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of  Education