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 Görüntüleme 79
 İndirme 30
Project Based Learning to Promote Ecuational Leadership Skills Implementation in an Environmental Science Course at Zayed University
The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education (TOJNED)

The main idea underlying this work is that higher education students can develop educational leadership skills throughout the learning process supported by the approach of project based learning (PBL). This method has been known to point out at the challenge of increasing students’ motivation, their involvement in the course, and looking for applications of their learning. This study shows the benefits of designing a project in an environmental science course to create a more effective learning medium. Using PBL, students who were enrolled in the introduction to the environment sciences’ course at the general education level at Zayed University, were given the responsibility of quantifying the consumption of paper, to study qualitatively and quantitatively how this consumption would affect ecological resources as well as air pollution production. Students needed afterwards to discuss the benefit of recycling and how this can affect people lives. With the use of the PBL approach, students have shown a good improvement within the area of educational leadership skills (objective, group work, motivation). Most important of all, students showed a high level performance and course satisfaction.

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Benzer Makaleler

The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education (TOJNED)
The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education (TOJNED)