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  Atıf Sayısı 2
 Görüntüleme 115
 İndirme 44
Genç Milli ve TOHM Takımı Kadın Yüzücülerin Serbest Teknik Yüzme Performanslarının Sualtı Analizi ile Karşılaştırılması
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The aim of the present study is to compare swimming stroke characteristics of young national Olympic swimmers and swimmers from Olympic Preparation Centers of Turkey in Adana (TOPC) by using underwater video record system. Anthropometric and skinfold thicknesses of the swimmers’ were measured. Body fat and body mass indexes were calculated. 50m front crawl swimming performances were recorded with an Underwater Moving Camera System. Statistical analysis procedures were carried out by using SPSS-V21 software with Independent Samples t-Test and Mann Whittney-U test. The significance level was accepted as p<0,05. Time, velocity, stroke count (SC), stroke rate (SR), stroke length (SL) and stroke index (SI) parameters were calculated by using an Underwater Analyze Software. There were no significant differences between swimmers’ body mass index, body fat percentage, ectomorph, endomorph, hand and foot length data (p>0,05). Body mass, arm span, mesomorph, muscle and bone percentage of national swimmers were found significantly higher than TOPC swimmers (p<0,05). Time, average velocity and SI data of the national team were found significantly better than TOPC team swimmers (p<0,05). There were no significant differences found on SC, SR and SL data of two groups (p>0,05). The results of our study show that defining the data expressing female swimmers’ stroke characteristics and analysis have great importance to improve swimming performance. We posit that developing stroke length, stroke index and consequently swimming techniques are essential to achieve elite-level performance improvement in the long term.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Young National and TOHM Team Compare Free Technical Swimming Performance of Women's Swimmers with Underwater Analysis

The aim of the present study is to compare swimming stroke characteristics of young national Olympic swimmers and swimmers from Olympic Preparation Centers of Turkey in Adana (TOPC) by using underwater video recording system. Anthropometric and skinfold thicknesses of the swimmers were measured. Body fat and body mass indexes were calculated. 50m front crawl swimming performances were recorded with an Underwater Moving Camera System. Statistical analysis procedures were carried out by using SPSS-V21 software with Independent Samples t-Test and Mann Whittney-U test. The significance level was accepted as p<0,05. Time, velocity, stroke count (SC), stroke rate (SR), stroke length (SL) and stroke index (SI) parameters were calculated by using an Underwater Analyze Software. There were no significant differences between swimmers' body mass index, body fat percentage, ectomorph, endomorph, hand and foot length data (p>0,05). Body mass, arm span, mesomorph, muscle and bone percentage of national swimmers were found significantly higher than TOPC swimmers (p<0,05). Time, average speed and SI data of the national team were found significantly better than TOPC team swimmers (p<0,05). There were no significant differences found on SC, SR and SL data of two groups (p>0,05). The results of our study show that defining the data expressing female swimmers' stroke characteristics and analysis have great importance to improve swimming performance. We posit that developing stroke length, stroke index and consequently swimming techniques are essential to elite-level performance improvement in the long term.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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