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 Görüntüleme 92
 İndirme 26
International Journal of Business and Management Studies

Mobile Information Systems (ISs) have an important effect in organizations. They are not limited to the office, people can use mobile devices that they carry with them and access the network resources. They do not replace traditional information systems, but they are planned and designed with the unique features of wireless communication. With the increasing level of different information technologies, corporate level systems have the potential to change how business people efficiently work together. The need for a mobile user to have uninterrupted and secure access to information on the network should be considered and the necessary policies should be established for regular information flow in the organization. Our paper reviews the overall benefits of the mobile systems in the business since it has a critical value for the diversity of ISs. It also explains how mobility works and how organizations can extract maximum value from the mobile services in a secure way.

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Benzer Makaleler

International Journal of Business and Management Studies
International Journal of Business and Management Studies