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  Atıf Sayısı 6
 Görüntüleme 82
 İndirme 6
PressAcademia Procedia

With the rapid development of globalization, the transition was made from industry society to information society. This has profoundly influenced economic and social life, and as a result, marketing practitioners have developed alternative methods of reaching consumers. One of these methods is the concept of retro marketing, which is defined as the presentation of a product or service by the producers to the consumers again, which recreates the feelings and aspirations of the past that the individual possesses and recalls. In the study, after examining the concept of retro marketing, it was aimed to determine the effect of consumers' attitudes towards retro-looking products on brand loyalty. The questionnaire prepared for the study was applied to 1036 people who live in İstanbul and consist of clothing consumers, and after the elimination of questionnaires with errors through reviewing, 1022 questionnaires were analyzed. Regression Analysis, Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, t-Test Analysis and Anova Test were performed. As a result of the regression analysis, it was concluded that the attitude towards retro-looking products affects the brand loyalty. According to the results of the analysis made to determine whether there is any difference in the attitudes of the consumers towards the retro-looking products in terms of the demographic factors, it is concluded that there is a significant difference in the consumer attitudes according to the gender, age, education status and income. According to the marital status variable, there was no difference in consumers' attitudes towards retro-looking products. According to the results of analyzes conducted to determine whether there is any difference in the brand loyalty of the consumers in terms of demographic factors, it is concluded that there is a significant difference in brand loyalty according to gender, marital status, age, education status and income. 

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PressAcademia Procedia
PressAcademia Procedia