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  Atıf Sayısı 1
 Görüntüleme 96
 İndirme 6
Sağlık bakanlığı hastanelerinde performansa dayalı ek ücret ödeme sisteminin değerlendirilmesi: Hastaların görüşleri
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In order to increase efficiency and quality in health case and obtain a better health output, emphasis is being increasingly put on performance management. Performance management arranges a meausureble aim in a determined period how much rate has to be closed according to expected and directing process by making all arrangements. Performance management system is a result which is designated standarts the performance management with supported continual feedbac . Remuneration system based on performance motivates the workers to working well and motivates by aiming to develope their individual adequacy. It gives a message about the performance and adequacy is important. It is appropriated justly to reward the individual (workers) according to their adequacy and performance because of these special features and the importance on human sources ; this system is apart from the other all remuneration system based on performance. Performance based supplementary payment, is a system which is being implemented in all health facilities affiliated to the Ministry of Health, determining the rate, principles and procedures of the supplementary payment to be made to the staff assigned from the revolving capital incomes in order to ensure that health services are improved, and quality and efficient service provision is encouraged. It is a system kept “which provides a doctor who deserves according to working quality with extra payment system depend on performance from revolving fund.” in mind. And evaulated the other workers according to hospital general performance point . . This study was designed to investigate patients' perceptions / reviews of additional fee payment system based on performance. This study is based on questionnaire research methodology. The study population included 730 patients.. In this study, it was found that there are the some significant differences among pateint groups' reviews. on the performance based additional payment system. The patients find unjust this system because of both of ımbalance of fee rates between the doctors theirselves and doctors with the other workers . Findings indicate that patients have genarally positive attitudes toward the additional fee payment system based on peformance. Study results can help in understanding patients' perceptions and reviews on the additional fee payment system based on performance and in providing in guidelines for the development of performance for payment related to health personnel.

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