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 Görüntüleme 93
 İndirme 38
Sources of social support of elderly immigrants and their effects on psychosocial functionality
International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research

In the changing and developing transforming social structures, the demographic structure is changing; the elderly population is increasing with the reason of development of technology and extension of human life day by day. ‘Aging’ which expressed as the process which from starting to ending of the live, may confront individuals with new problematics. Definition of ‘elderly immigrants’ emerges with the immigration case get involved to process too. Individuals accumulate to social capital during their lives; being ‘I, we’ with this accumulation of social capital; see themselves as a whole with their environment. Especially elderly immigrants, cannot aging in these accumulation social networks; they face with the issues not only posed by aging but also being immigrant as well. In this article, the concepts of aging and agedness, theories of aging and definition of elderly immigration are examined in the light of the literature reviews. In addition to these studies, sources of social support of elderly immigrants to psychosocial functioning effects are get discussed; evaluation is done in the terms of old welfare and suggestions are presented.

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Benzer Makaleler

International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research
International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research