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 Görüntüleme 63
 İndirme 14
Parental Perceptions about Children’s Authentic Assessment and the Work Sampling System’s implementation
International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education

The authentic assessment process in preschool education gains the confidence of the practices which are used today, as an innovative educational policy in the interest of everyone who’s involved in early childhood education: children, teachers and parents. The purpose of this study was to explore parents’ perceptions upon the significance of child’s assessment, their engagement in this assessment and the impact of the implementation of alternative forms of assessment such as the Work Sampling System at the kindergarten. A survey research design was utilized in order to achieve the objectives of the study, where a small-scale questionnaire was given to a convenience sample of 18 parents whose children were enrolled in a public all-day kindergarten in Chania, Greece. Findings show that the majority of the parents either acknowledge children’s authentic assessment as a real breakthrough or they are satisfied on a large scale with the implementation of alternative forms of assessment in the classroom. In conclusion, the child’s authentic assessment has been recognized widely as it is advantageous to the educational settings of the modern pedagogy. 

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Benzer Makaleler

International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education
International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education