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  Citation Number 17
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Gök Tanrı’nın Temsilcileri: Koruyucu Kuşlar

UNESCO tarafından organize edilen ve Asya’da ilk kez düzenlenen “20. Uluslararası Müzeler Konferansı’nda” resmi sembol olarak Sotdae (koruyucu kuş) seçilmiştir. Türk mitolojisinde kuş önemli figürlerden biridir. Orta Asya’da Türklerin yaşam alanlarında çeşitli kalıntı ve buluntularda kuş figürünün oldukça yaygın olduğu görülmüştür. Orta Asya Türk devlet ve boylarının dini inanışlarında yer alan “Gök Tanrı” inancı ile kuşa yüklenen anlam arasında bir bağlantı kurulmuş ve gökte uçmaları sebebiyle tanrı, tanrının temsilcisi ve koruyucu ruh olarak görülmüşlerdir. Orta Asya Türk boyları yaşadıkları alanlara uzun bir sırık dikip, bu sırığın tepesine ağaçtan yontulmuş kuş koyarlardı ve bu köyü koruduğuna inanmışlardır. Güney Kore mitolojisinde de koruyucu kuş, Budizm öncesi döneme dayanır. Kuşların koruyuculuğuna ilişkin inanç Şamanizm ile ilgilidir. Bu mitolojik kuşlar efsanevi hayat ağaçlarının üzerinde bir gök tanrısını veya tanrıçasını temsil etmiştir. Kore halkı Üç Krallık (M.Ö. 57’den M.S. 668’e kadar) döneminden beri Sotdae’i inşa etmişlerdir. Köylerin girişlerinde üzerinde kuş heykellerinin bulunduğu uzun tahta direkler bulunur. Bu kuşlar köylüleri koruyan, refah ve huzur yeminlerini Tanrı’ya ulaştıran elçi vazifesindeki Sotdaelerdir Türk kültüründe ve Güney Kore kültüründe büyük bir öneme sahip ve farklı isimlerle anılan bu koruyucu kuşun Türk kültüründeki ve Güney Kore kültüründeki yeri, insanların yaşamına etkisi, günümüzde yaşatılması ve uygulama alanı “Uygulamalı Halk Bilimi ve Mitoloji” bağlamında incelenmiştir


The Representatives of Heaven God: Protecting Birds

It was organized by UNESCO and held for the first time in Asia. At the International Museum Conference, Sotdae (protective bird) was chosen as the official symbol. In the Turkish mythology, the bird is one of the most important figures. In Central Asia, in the areas of Turkish living in various remains and finds, the figure of birds has been seen to be quite common. A connection has been established between the belief of the "Heaven God" in the religious beliefs of the Turkish state of Central Asia and its heights and the meaning that is loaded with the bird, and because they fly in heaven, they have been seen as the god, the representative of God and the protective spirit. Central Asian Turkish heights had planted a long hole in the areas where they lived, and put a tree-wrapped bird on the top of this hole, and they believed they protected this village. In the South Korean mythology, the protective bird is based on the pre-Buddhist era. The belief about the protection of birds is related to Shamanism. These mythological birds represented a heavenly god or goddess over the legendary life trees. The People of Korea: Three Kingdoms 57 of M.S. They built Sotdae until 668). On the entrances of the villages there are long wooden stairs with bird sculptures. These birds are the Sottas in the mission of the messenger who protects the peasants, bring the promises of prosperity and peace to God in the Turkish culture and in the South Korean culture have a great importance and are mentioned in different names, the place of this protective bird in the Turkish culture and in the South Korean culture, the impact on the lives of people, the living and the area of application in the context of "Applied People's Science and Mythology"


Represents Of Sky God: Protective Bird

In the “20. International Museums Conference” organized by UNESCO and firstly arranged in Asia; Sotdae (protective bird) is chosen as the official symbol. In the Turkish Mythology, bird is one of the important figures. It is found that the bird figure is rather common in various remnants and foundlings in the living areas of Turkish people in Central Asia. A connection is built between “Sky God” belief which takes place in the religious beliefs of Central Asian Turkish countries and tribes and the meaning of the bird. Because the birds are flying in the sky, they have been seen as the represent of God and protective soul. Turkish tribes in Central Asia had erected a long stick in the areas they live and they put a bird which is chiseled from wood on the top of this stick and they believed that this protects the village. In the South Korean Mythology, the protective bird is also based before Buddhism period. The belief that the birds are protective is related with Shamanism. Those mythological birds represented a sky god or goddess on the legendary life trees. The Korean folk had built Sotdae since Three Kingdom (from B.C. 57 to A.D. 668). In the entrance of their villages, there are long wooden columns on which there are bird statues. These birds are the Sotdaes which protects the villagers, and delivers the peace and presence adjurations as an ambassador to the God. The place of this protective bird in Turkish culture and South Korean culture which has a great importance in Turkish culture and mentioned by different names; their effect on humans life, keeping alive them today and its application area in terms of “Practical Folklore and Mythology” is examined.


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Field :   Filoloji

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 1.002
Cite : 2.602
Basic Field of Philology
