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 İndirme 27
The effects of detraining period on female basketball team players aged 10-12
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise

The purpose of the study is to find out the effect of break during the semester vacation on performance. 11 women basketball players aged 11.45±0.82 years old, height 147.27±7.29 cm, weight 39.65±6.20 kg, sports age 2.00±0.44 years participated in the study. Gülcü Primary School young women’s basketball team, who trained 3 times per week for about 6 months and came in first in the competition among Isparta primary schools, have taken part in the study. The team was given pretest after the group’s final match and afterwards the team took a break from training. Second measurements were taken 20 days later. In order to determine changes in the performance of the players, their resting heart rate, vertical jump, handgrip strength, flexibility, aerobic endurance and anaerobic endurance were examined. Descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon matched-pair two sample test were used for the analysis. It was observed that there was an increase in resting heart rates (p<0.05), decrease in vertical jump rates, aerobic endurance, anaerobic endurance (p<0.05).Hand grip strength did not change significantly. According to the findings it can be concluded that, a break period for 20 days from training affects the performance negatively For this reason, high-level performance aimed at primary school teams will need to continue training during the semester break

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Benzer Makaleler

Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise
Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise