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  Atıf Sayısı 7
 Görüntüleme 88
 İndirme 18
Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi

This study has been realized to investigate student opinions and awareness about the tourism resources, advantages, handicaps, social, environmental, economic, and cultural effects of tourism, and the steps to be taken to improve the tourism within Hatay province of Turkey. Research results have revealed that students had rather positive opinions regarding the economic, environmental and socio-cultural effects of the development of tourism in Hatay province. Moreover, students thought that Hatay province had a great diversity in natural, historical, and cultural tourism resources, however, the problems concerning the promotion, investment, and education must be mitigated in terms of benefiting from the advantages of tourism. 

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Students in the middle of the school have an assessment of the tourism perspective: an example of a mistake

This study has been realized to investigate student opinions and awareness about the tourism resources, advantages, disadvantages, social, environmental, economic, and cultural effects of tourism, and the steps to be taken to improve the tourism within the Hatay province of Turkey. Research results have revealed that students had rather positive opinions regarding the economic, environmental and socio-cultural effects of the development of tourism in Hatay province. Moreover, students thought that Hatay province had a great diversity in natural, historical, and cultural tourism resources, however, the problems concerning the promotion, investment, and education must be mitigated in terms of benefiting from the advantages of tourism.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Benzer Makaleler

Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi
Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi