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  Atıf Sayısı 8
 Görüntüleme 94
 İndirme 20
Türkiye’de Betonarmenin Erken Kullanımı ve Gelişimi Sürecinde Hennebique Betonarme Sistemi
Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi

Development process and early applications of reinforced concrete is not known sufficiently in Turkey. The studies and publications on the subject are limited. The main source of this study is constituted from the articles “Land of Fires and Earthquakes, Turkey” and “Ten years of reinforced concrete in Turkey”, which are published in the 177th and 180th number of the “Le Béton Armé”, published by Hennebique Concrete System. These articles enlighten the history of reinforced concrete in Turkey in a large extent.By this study, the history of reinforced concrete in Turkey had been sustained until 1902. The articles mentioned above, state that the first structure built with Hennebique reinforced concrete system is Mesadet Khan, located in Eminönü-İstanbul.By the construction dates of the buildings in Turkey, it is possible to state which buildings are constructed by Hennebique reinforced concrete system and it is possible to state how this system used in constructions, which parts of the buildings are constructed by this system and also who were the representatives in Turkey, the names of the mentioned building’s architects and engineers as well as the names of controlling persons or institutions. Thus, this study aims to bring together the revealed information from the magazine “Le Béton Armé”, with the other relevant sources therefore to enlighten the history and development of reinforced concrete in Turkey

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Benzer Makaleler

Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi

Alan :   Güzel Sanatlar

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 171
Atıf : 61
Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi