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 Görüntüleme 69
 İndirme 21
Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi

Bilgiyi edinmek ve onu uygulamak insan yaşamının her zaman merkezinde yer almıştır. Bilgi birikimi ile deneyimlenen insan onu bir sonraki nesle aktarma işlemi ile eğitimin temellerini atmakta ve dönemin gereksinimleri dâhilinde bilgiyi güncellemektedir. İnsan küçük yaşlardan itibaren yaşadığı çevreyi duyu organları ile tanımakta sonrasında sosyal ve kültürel çevrenin etkisiyle gelişimini sürdürmektedir. Bu süreçte iyi tasarlanmış eğitsel içerikli çoklu ortam materyalleri ise bireyin özellikle çocukluk dönemi içerisinde edinmesi beklenen sorumlulukları ve davranışları görerek-işiterek hızlı ve kalıcı bir biçimde öğrenmesinde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Çoklu ortam materyalleri içerisinde sinematografik öğeler, animasyon ve onun dinamikleri bireye aktarımı hedeflenen bilginin etkili ve kalıcı olmasında büyük öneme sahiptir. Animasyon ortamının eğitsel içerikte hazırlanan çoklu ortam materyallerine sağladığı katkı farklı yöntemlerde ve tekniklerde olabilmektedir. Animasyon üretildiği ortama göre 2 ya da 3 boyutlu olarak hazırlanmakta ve bu süreçte perspektif ve sinematografik öğelerde buna göre farklılaşmaktadır. Bu noktada animetizm ve sinematizm gibi iki kavram karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada 2 ve 3 boyutlu ortamda üretilen ve çocuklara yönelik hazırlanan eğitsel içerikli The Fixies (2010-) televizyon serisinin animetizm ve sinematizm kavramları üzerinden incelenerek, Çoklu Ortamla Öğrenmenin Bilişsel Kuramı (Multimedya Öğrenme) kapsamında değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu çerçevede eğitsel içerikli çizgi filmlerde animetizm ve sinematizm kavramlarının içeriğe etkisi ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

From the educational presentation of cartoons, many medium design principles and the review of the link between the kinematic-animatic quarters: The FIXIES cartoons example

Acquisition and application of knowledge has always been the center of human life. The person who is experienced with the accumulation of knowledge puts the foundations of education with the process of transferring it to the next generation and updates the knowledge within the needs of the period. The human being, from a young age to the environment in which he lives with his sensory organs, continues to develop with the influence of the social and cultural environment. In this process, well-designed educational content multi-media materials play an important role in learning quickly and permanently, seeing the responsibilities and behaviors that the individual is expected to acquire, especially during childhood. In multiple medium materials, the cinematographic elements, animation and its dynamics are of great importance in the effectiveness and durability of the information targeted to the transfer to the individual. The contribution of the animation environment to the multi-media materials prepared in educational content can be made in different methods and techniques. Animation is prepared in 2 or 3 dimensions depending on the environment in which it is produced, and in this process the perspective and cinematographic elements differ accordingly. At this point, two concepts such as animationism and kinematism come to us. In this study, the educational content produced in 2 and 3 dimensional environments and prepared for children, The Fixies (2010-) television series is studied through the concepts of animation and kinematics, aimed at evaluating in the framework of the Cognitive Theory of Learning with Multi-Media (Multimedia Learning). In this framework, educational content cartoons have been attempted to reveal the impact of the concepts of animation and cinema on the content.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Examining Animated Films In Terms Of Multimedia Design Principles and Cinematism-animetism Notions For Educational Presentation: The Case Of The Fixies Animated Tv Series

Obtaining and applying knowledge is always at the center of human life. The human being experienced with the accumulation of knowledge, laid the foundations of education by transferring it to the next generation and updated this phenomenon within the requirements of the period. From an early age, the individual recognizes the environment in with he lives his sensory organs and through social and cultural environment; he ensures acquisition of skills like speech, etc. In this process, multi-media materials with well-designed educational content allow the individual to learn responsibilities and behaviors expected to be acquired during childhood, learn in a fast and permanent manner. Cinematographic elements, animation within multimedia materials are of great importance in ensuring the information intended to be conveyed to the individual is effective and permanent. The contribution of the animation medium to the multimedia materials prepared in educational content can be in different methods and techniques. The animation is prepared in 2 or 3 dimensionally according to the environment in which it is produced and during this process perspective and the cinematographic elements differ according to it. At this point, there are two concepts like animetism and cinematism. In this study, The Fixies (2010-) television series produced in 2D and 3D technics and prepared for children is examined through the concepts of animetism and cinematism and it is aimed to be evaluated within context of cognitive theory of multimedia learning. In this context, the effects of animetism and cinematism on educational content were tried to be explained.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Benzer Makaleler

Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi

Alan :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 606
Atıf : 3.620
2023 Impact/Etki : 0.241
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi