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  Citation Number 9
 Views 224
 Downloands 53
Havayolu İle Yolcu Taşımacılığında Müşteri Memnuniyetini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi: İstanbul Hava Limanları Örneği
Balkan Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

Ülkemizde yakın zamana kadar havayolu ile seyahat etmek lüks bir yolculuk olarak kabul ediliyordu. Bugün artık hemen tüm vatandaşlarımızın kullandığı bir seyahat aracı haline gelmiştir. Son15 yılda Türkiye’de 26 olan aktif havaalanı sayısının iki kattan fazla artarak 55’e ulaşmıştır. Buna paralel olarak 2002’de Türkiye geneli havalimanları iç hat yolcu sayısı 8,7 milyondan 2017 yılında 109 milyona ulaşmıştır. Son on beş yılda iç hatlarda yolcu sayısında yıllık yaklaşık %21’lik artış sağlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de havayolu ile yolcu taşımacılığında algılanan hizmet kalitesinin boyutları araştırılmıştır. Türkiye’de iç ve dış hatlarda seyahat eden yolcuların yerli hava yolu şirketlerinin vermiş oldukları hizmetlerden algıladıkları hizmet kalitesinin müşteri memnuniyeti ve müşterilerin tekrar satın alma davranışına yansımaları belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Kalite algısı ve müşteri memnuniyetinin belirlenebilmesi için bir anket formu düzenlenmiştir. Anket çalışması Ankara ve İstanbul'daki havalimanlarından seyahat eden 406 yolcu üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir.   


Identification of Factors That Affect Customer Satisfaction in Passenger Transportation: Istanbul Airports Example

To travel with the airline in our country until recently was considered a luxury journey. Today, it has become a travel tool that all our citizens use. In the last 15 years, the number of active airports in Turkey, which is 26 has increased more than twice and reached 55. Parallelly, in 2002 the number of domestic passengers of the Turkish airports reached 109 million in 2017. Over the past fifteen years, the number of passengers on domestic lines has increased by about 21 per cent annually. In this study, the size of the service that is detected in the airline and passenger transport in Turkey has been investigated. In Turkey on domestic and external routes, the quality of the service they perceive from the services they provide by domestic airlines has been tried to determine the customer satisfaction and reflection of the customer's re-buy behavior. A survey form has been organized to determine quality perception and customer satisfaction. The survey was conducted on 406 passengers travelling from the airports in Ankara and Istanbul.


Determination Of The Factors That Affect Customer Satisfaction In Airline and Passenger Transportation: Istanbul Airports Example

In our country traveling by airline until recently was considered a luxury journey. Traveling by air until ten or fifteen years ago was considered a luxury journey. Today it has become a travel tool used by almost all our citizens. 26 number of active airport in Turkey has been to reached 55 increased more than doubled in last 15 years. Thus, while the number of domestic passengers in 2002 was 8.7 million domestic passengers, it reached 109 million in 2017. In the last 15 years the number of domestic passengers has increased by approximately 21 percent annually. In this study,   dimensions of perceived service quality at passenger transport by air in turkey were investigated. In passengers traveling on domestic and international flights in turkey of the quality of the services they perceived from the quality of the services provide of national airline companies has been tried to determined customer satisfaction and reflections on customer repurchase behavior. A questionnaire form was prepared to determine the mentioned quality perception and customer satisfaction. The survey was conducted on 406 passengers traveling from airports in Ankara and Istanbul.


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Field :   Eğitim Bilimleri; Güzel Sanatlar; İlahiyat; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 455
Cite : 1.992
Basic Field of Theology

Basic Field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Basic Field of Fine Arts

Basic Field of Educational Sciences

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