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British Council, Köy Enstitüleri ve Savaş Ortamında Kültürel Diplomasinin Yollarını Aramak
Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi

Türkiye’de Cumhuriyet’in ilandan sonra siyasal alandaki devrimlere hız verilmesiyle çağdaş bir devlet yapısı oluşturulmak istenmiş, girişilen radikal reformlarla yalnızca idari modernleşme hedeflenmemiş, bunun yanında toplumsal yapının da dönüştürülmesi için önemli adımlar atılmıştır. Ancak, siyasal alanda umulan değişimin kısa sürede elde edilmesinden farklı olarak, Osmanlı’dan devralınan katılaşmış ve geri plana itilmiş insan sermayesini dönüştürmek bilindiği gibi kolay olmamıştır. Her şeyden önce, şehir merkezlerinde toplulaşmış okur-yazar kesimin genel nüfusa göre oldukça düşük bir oranı teşkil etmesi, Cumhuriyet idarecilerinin yüz yüze kaldıkları ciddi bir sorundur. Öte yandan 1928 yılında Latin harflerinin kabulünden sonra vatandaşların eğitilmesi meselesi dönemin temel gündem maddelerinden birini oluşturmuştur. Bilindiği gibi, toplumsal kalkınmanın temel dinamiklerinden biri olan nitelikli insan sermayesinin elde edilmesi için Cumhuriyet’in ilk yıllarında yoğun çabalar sarf edilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda 17 Nisan 1940 tarihinde kabul edilen 3803 sayılı Köy Enstitüleri Kanunu ile okul ve öğretmenden yoksun bölgelere ulaşılmaya çalışılarak taşranın eğitim ihtiyacına cevap verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Köy Enstitüleri ile ilgili genel kabulün aksine bu sistemle yalnızca öğretmen değil, aynı zamanda teknisyen, sağlık personeli ve modern tarım tekniklerinden haberdar eğitimli yeni bir insan profili yetiştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Köy Enstitüleri’nin 1940’ların sonlarından itibaren, bir dönüşüm sürecine girildiği bilinmekle birlikte, bu enstitülerin Anadolu aydınlanmasının özgün bir örneği olduğu gerçeği göz önünde tutulmalıdır. Nitekim bahse konu olan dönemde Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren British Council yetkililerinin Londra’daki merkez büroyla yazışmalarına konu olan Köy Enstitüleri özgün ve dikkat çekici ölçüde başarılı bulunmuştur. Dahası, British Council yetkililerinin girişimleriyle Köy Enstitüleri ve İngiltere’de benzer faaliyetler yürüten Young Farmers Club arasında eğitim temelinde işbirliği kurulması için çalışılmıştır. Hatta o dönem için radikal sayılabilecek öğrenci değişim programı gibi uygulamalar için de British Council yetkilileri Köy Enstitüleriyle işbirliği olanağı yaratmaya çalışmışlardır. Bu çalışmada incelenen British Council evrakından yola çıkılarak Cumhuriyet döneminde girişilen reformlar arasında günün şartlarından doğmuş, özgün bir uygulama olan Köy Enstitülerine farklı bir pencereden ışık tutulmaya çalışılmıştır.  

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The British Council is looking for ways of cultural diplomacy in rural institutions and war environments

In Turkey, after the proclamation of the Republic, with the acceleration of the political revolution, a modern state structure was intended to be created, with the radical reforms initiated, not only administrative modernization was aimed, but also important steps were taken for the transformation of the social structure. However, unlike the promised change in the political field was achieved in a short time, it was not as easy as it was known to convert the rigidized and backward human capital, which was taken over by Ottoman. First of all, the fact that the readers-writers group that gathered in the city centers represents a relatively low percentage compared to the general population is a serious problem that the Republican governors face. On the other hand, after the adoption of the Latin letters in 1928, the issue of education of citizens formed one of the basic agenda of the period. As it is known, intense efforts have been made in the first years of the Republic to qualified human capital, which is one of the fundamental dynamics of social development. In this regard, the Law No. 3803 of the Village Institutions, adopted on 17 April 1940, was attempted to respond to the need for education of the school and teachers by trying to reach the areas without school and teachers. Contrary to the general acceptance of rural institutions, this system has been attempted to train a new human profile, not only teachers, but also technicians, health personnel and modern agricultural techniques. Although it is known that the rural institutions have entered a transformation process since the late 1940s, it should be taken into account the fact that these institutions are an original example of the Anatolian enlightenment. In fact, the council institutes, which are the subject of the contacts with the British Council officials in Turkey at the time of the bet, have found original and remarkable success. Furthermore, the British Council authorities have been working on the initiative to establish cooperation on the educational basis between the Village Institutes and the Young Farmers Club, which is carrying out similar activities in the UK. Even for practices such as a student exchange program that could be considered radical for that period, British Council officials have tried to create a possibility of cooperation with the Village Institutes. From the British Council document studied in this study, the reforms introduced during the Republic period were attempted to keep the light from a different window to the Village Institutes, which was born from the conditions of the day, an original practice.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

British Council, Village Institutes and Searching The Ways Of The Cultural Diplomacy On The War Circumstances

In Turkey after the proclamation of the Republic, a modern state structure by speeding up the revolution in political life was to be formed. With the radical reforms in the first years of the Republic, not only administrative modernization was targeted, but also important steps were taken to transform the social structure. However, unlike the short-term change that is expected in the political sphere, it is not easy to transform the toughened human capital that has been taken over from the Ottoman Empire and has been pushed back into the past. First and foremost, the fact that the aggregated literacy of the urban centers was quite low compared to the general population was a serious problem faced by the Republican administrators. On the other hand, the issue of educating citizens after the adoption of Latin letters in 1928 was one of the main agenda items of the period. As is known, intensive efforts have been made in the first years of the Republic in order to obtain qualified human capital, which is one of the basic dynamics of social development. In this direction, with the Village Institutes Law No. 3803, adopted on 17 April 1940, it was tried to reach the regions lacking school and teacher and answer the educational needs of the provinces. Contrary to the general acceptance of the Village Institutes, this system has not only tried to educate teachers, but also a new human profile who are technicians, health personnel and aware of modern agricultural techniques have been tried to be educated. It is known that the Village Institutes had been in the process of transformation since the late 1940s, it should be taken into consideration that these institutes are a unique example of Anatolian enlightenment. Indeed, Village Institutes, which were subject to correspondence with headquarters in London and the British Council officials who were active in the said period in Turkey, have been found unique and remarkably successful. Moreover, at the initiative of British Council authorities it has been tried to establish cooperation on the basis of education between the Village Institutes and the Young Farmers Club, which carries out similar activities in England. In fact, the British Council authorities have tried to create cooperation with the Village Institutes in order to implement a student exchange program that could be considered radical for that period. Based on the British Council documents examined for this study, it has been attempted to shed light from a different window to the Village Institutes, which were born from the conditions of the day between the reforms initiated in the Republic period.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi

Alan :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 518
Atıf : 1.299
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi